Tyron found himself lost once again. He wasn't much disturbed by this, since lost was just how he lived, but it might make getting food a little difficult. He pulled out his journal and jotted some notes in it about the sort of trees that were here. He might be able to figure out what sort of wildlife was in that patch of woods based on the foliage, he just needed to jot it down and make some comparisons when he made camp for the night. Of course, he had no idea when that would be. As Tyron made his way through the underbrush, the sound of his own footsteps on broken twigs and dried leaves echoed through the area. His explorations eventually led him to a large cliff. "Hm... Is this normal?" He asked himself, looking around. He couldn't find anything out of the ordinary, so he decided to start to follow the edge. After some time, he heard what he thought was the voice of another person. [i]Odd.[/i] He thought to himself, deciding to continue and find the source. As he got closer, he raised his arms into the air, presenting a sign of surrender, just in case the person may have been aggressive. "Hello," he called out. "Is there anybody here?"