"You are getting better Breeze." Kyden called back to her. And in truth, she really was. Now in their sparring matches, she found herself holding back. She didn't want to beat Kyden, she knew how fragile his ego already was. She would never let him know. Kyden was the only semblance of family she had known in a long time. Her feelings for him are only getting stronger the more they sparred. After months of training, and Caelyn realized she was in love with Kyden. "Thank ya for everythin' Kyden. You have been a great friend." she smiled as she placed a hand on his. She quickly recoiled it and blushed. "Crap! I hope he didn't see that." she thought to herself. "You are welcome. Are you alright? You seem off?" Caelyn responded with a disarming smile. "I am fine, I am just a'boot to go run these fish down to the lady under the docks. Its been 3 days since she has had anythin' to eat and I've gotta check in. Do you want to come with me?" With an "of course" kind of nod, they made off. "Wait, something is not right." Caelyn said with concern. "What is it?" Kyden asked. "The water is making a torrent, see it? That can mean only one thing. SERPENT!!!!" Caelyn shouted. "RUN!" As if hearing its que, the massively scaled-beast appeared from the water, and lunged out and them. Kyden seeing the beast going for Caelyn jumped in front and drew his daggers. "What are you doing?!" Caelyn shouted back to him. "Getting you out alive, now go!" Caelyn knew there was no arguing with him on this one, so that's what she did. She ran threw the crashes, she ran through the scream, she ran through the crunch. Tears falling from her face as she ran. She continued to do so until she passed out. She was awoken by the sound of flapping paper. He had saved her, but she didn't feel his life was worth hers. She didn't think that it was fair that everyone she has ever loved getting killed just to protect her. "WHY AM I SO IMPORTANT!?" she shouted at the top of her lungs. "AND WHAT IN THE HELL IS THAT NOISE?!" She looked over to see a reward poster for 5000g. "A beast terrorizing Seles?" she wiped the tears from her face. She knew she wasn't strong enough to even kill the giant serpent that had just attacked her and Kyden, "but I will be strong enough by the time I reach Seles." she vowed. So, that's what she did on her arduous journey to Seles, she trained, and practiced honing every one of her senses. She finally came upon the town. She had no possessions, having left everything behind in Rogue. The only item she had brought with her was that flyer. It symbolized vengeance, vindication, and it gave her direction. It was something she could use to bury the pain inside her with. She used that pain as a tool, as a source of focus and drive. Well, the flyer gave her direction to Seles, but not as far as what she was going to do now that she was here. Caelyn did the only thing she knew to do, go into the woods and set up camp. When morning came she had started her search for the monster not having a whole lot to go on. She came along a cliff and followed it, and that's when she heard "Hello. Is there anybody here?" She quickly combed over her options and after being alone for quite some time. "Aye, I am. Might you be just a little more quiet though? You do't want to be scarin' the beast straight to us." she flashed him a disarming smile.