I'd say it's a good start, although personally I'd prefer no supernatural elements at all. Out-of-nowhere suggestion: When I first joined this site years ago (with a different name and everything), the first RP I tried to join was called "Black Friday." Synopsis: In a modern-day America, in an era when terrorist attacks and terrorism are at an all-time low, peace has become a more prevailing theme. Crime rates are also very low. One day, on Black Friday, a single mall in (American city) is overrun by armed militia/terrorists/gang-type men in an organized hostage situation on a massive scale. The entire thing has been planned and calculated by whoever is behind it (the Weavers, perhaps?). You have two options: RP as a "bad guy" working for whoever with a promised payoff and plenty of hostility along the way, or RP as a SWAT soldier, working together to infiltrate and neutralize the biggest and most delicate operation in years. Bad guys get lots and lots of SMGs, rifles, explosives and whatever else (bomb backpacks, camera access, etc). Good guys get riot shields, sniper rifles, breaching charges, lasers and headsets. Or combinations of each. I was rejected (for not being realistic enough. I requested a sniper rifle that was not native to that area's police force), but it looked like fun, and it's long dead now. Feel free to tinker away at it.