[img]http://i.imgur.com/xW9OEDJ.jpg[/img] Name: Temitope (Christian name Paula) Archetype: Yorùbá Slave Race/Ethnicity: African Religion/Culture: Yorùbá Religion Background: Temitope was enslaved on the western coast of Africa and brought to the Caribbean at the age of eleven. She was transported to the island of Jamaica, where she was sold to the powerful Calleja family. She was Christened as Paula, but she secretly tried to keep the religion her mother taught her alive. Temitope was selected by Rafaela Calleja, the daughter of Lord Calleja, as a haindmaiden and personal maid. Temitope grew up with Rafaela, although they were always formal and distant. Rafaela had a penchant for traveling, and she often would visit North America, Mexico, and Brazil on her father's dime. Temitope would always accompany her, and over time the slave picked up on different languages. She learned English and Portugese as well as having been taught Spanish by the Callejas. When the girls were 16, Rafaela took ill and died. Temitope was put on the family plantation for a year, and she was quite unused to the hard labor. The other slaves treated her harshly, as she had a pampered life compared to them. Temitope always dreamed of freedom, but her life was comparable to a poor servant serving under Rafaela Calleja. She had it bad, but not *that* bad, and the true passion for freedom was never there. Work on the plantation changed that, and made Temitope realize how badly she wanted to leave Jamaica. A year later, however, Rafaela's younger brother inherited the Calleja family fortune. With relatively little experience or contacts, he remembered Temitope's skill at languages and pulled her off the plantation to serve as a translator during his business deals with the Portuguese, the British and the Americans. Temitope actually quickly picked up on the art of business. The slave, filled with bitterness and a desire for freedom, quickly formulated a plan. She would subtly sabotage the young Lord Calleja's business deals by mis-translating. She filled his ear with lies and misdirection. Her plan seemed to work when the Callejas were at their poorest point in history, but they did not go over the edge. Instead, her plan backfired and she was put back on the plantation, to the hard labor, the abuses of guards and the bullying of other slaves. She remained there for four years, but was sold to a rich American in Richmond when the Callejas could no longer afford her. She was put to hard work, her new master choosing to ignore the skills that she learned with the Callejas. Skills: Temitope understands business and languages well. She has a knack for blending into a crowd and keeping her head down. She's fairly good at hard labor and deceiving people with feigned innocence. Talent: Temitope developed a mastery on the English, Spanish and Portuguese languages. She can also fake accents of a native, including British. Flaw: Temitope has never fought in her life, but she is more than willing to join a revolutionary cause. Motivation: She would fight for her freedom and for revenge against her overlords, especially against the Spanish but also the Americans.