The street didn't smell much better than inside the bar, and having to escort a thief that's been on the lam and reeked of his own fluids didn't help. Luckily enough one doesn't have to go far on the first tier to find a den of thieves willing to pay for other thieves that happened to have pissed off some other thieves. It didn't take much longer than Mr. Feld and Drake to step in the door before the bounty hunter felt something amiss. "Tylinaeus! I see you've persuaded my associate to come negotiate with me," a voice thundered from on high. Forgar Litmic was the source, a petty thug whose ego is well over-inflated, and whose belly was far too round to be useful for anything besides talking and errands even more petty than himself, hence Drake Tylinaeus's current grip on a one Mr. Feld's hand. "Yep, and judging by the way you're turned you've got my fees in your back pocket," he shot back, as Litmic descended the stairs. The exchange was made and Feld was shuffled off by assistant's of Litmic, his fate to forever be a mystery. It wasn't a concern of Drake's, he had his money, and from the feel of the room, he'd get a bit more than what he bargained for. Litmic motioned to a door at the back of the main room, Drake measured up the distance, and eyed the occupants of the main room. None of them posed a major threat, so Drake reluctantly indulged the loudmouth of the lower levels. The small room was simple, with just a cot, small table, two chairs, and a small bed-side stand. Nowhere for any would-be assassins. The two sat and with a low voice Litmic began spreading rumors, word travels fast and rumor was that a murder had occurred that morning. Since there wasn't an official bounty there was no real interest from Drake, though the fact that the body was found in the cellar of the Folgothian prince's apartment. This still wasn't of major concern to Tylinaeus save for the fact that Folgoth was his home nation. He had no sense of nationalism, but for some reason he was intrigued. After Litmic closed his trap, Drake made a simple request, "Keep me posted." And left, without incident.