[quote=Tensai] Greetings! I've only just stumbled upon the site while searching around the internet, and I'd be interested in a Game of Thrones setup, particularly the Theon or Robb situations as they're probably the only characters I'd feel comfortable writing as. The only thing of particular importance I can think up off the top of my head (for Theon at least) would be just how long after his arrival at Winterfell it'd take place, or, if the Daenerys plot, whether or not the War of Five Kings had already started up, and just how they'd meet each other. Forgive me, as I'm not very good at the whole introducing myself on new sites bit. I've been roleplaying for some three-ish years and basic conversation just eludes me. I'm more than capable of multi-paragraph posting and collaborating in terms of plot development and that kind of stuff along with doubling if other characters were needed to move the narrative forward or we just needed a new dynamic. Something tells me I'm not presenting myself very well at present. I'm better at talking about ideas than I am at expressing interest in the ideas, I swear. [/quote] As of late, I should probably edit, I can't say I'm too eager to deal with Dany due to the latest season. I don't really approve of the "development" she is making, so if we did pair her with either male, we would need to do a great deal of tweaking and back-peddling since we'd have to start in season one, at the latest probably two. It would also depend on the premise as to how much tweaking you're willing to do. Some people are more sticklers for certain canon situations, while others are happy to move people and change events/reactions. I'd say I'd be more keen to play Sansa or Arya against your Theon, maybe Cersei...if that interested you. Oh no, you're not presenting yourself poorly at all, don't worry. There wasn't anything about your post that could make question your merit. I tend to let writing speak for itself, we all have off days, but as long as we're happy and making nice juicy posts most of the time, I am a happy sponge. Being able to give me several paragraphs is the best way to get into my heart, I must say. You can generally tell when a writer is happy when you look at what they're producing. So whatever we end up deciding, as long as we're both feeling good and communicating, there shouldn't be anything to worry about.