[b]Serena Bellerose[/b] Luckily for Serena, it seemed like less and less people were coming into the school’s entryway over time, though the last few people that entered seemed to be just as crazy—if not crazier than everyone else who had entered so far. It left her feeling a bit jumpy and she brought her arms closer to herself, as if that would somehow protect herself from the rather eccentric others who had entered. Of course, this simply kept Serena’s paranoia jumping through the roof. Seeing one of the boys fall to the ground near screaming didn’t do anything to calm her, and set her panic meters off the chart. What was going to happen here? They weren’t going to die, were they? It was supposed to be a nice school, there was no way they could die… right? [b]Edie Jensen[/b] As the last few people came in, Edie nodded to herself, starting to count everyone that she noticed. Sixteen? There were about that many people there, from what a quick headcount brought to her attention, and she had gone over the crowd a few times to make sure she got everyone—especially two in the corner who she wasn’t quite sure she had noticed before. It was a few minutes from when the last two boys entered that it seemed like no one else seemed to come in. And, at the least, there were now a few more boys who had come in—which was a lot better than the one boy, the bunch of girls, and the one person who she wasn’t quite sure about. She waited quietly for a few minutes, folding her arms and tapping her feet, before finally deciding to speak up. [b]”Hey… I don’t think anyone else is coming, you know?”[/b] she finally spoke up. She had an easy time with customers, but for some reason, being around so many probably talented peers left her with a slight bit of apprehension. It would pass pretty soon, but starting out she was a bit nervous. [b]”Shouldn’t we like, introduce ourselves or something? I mean, none of us really know what’s going on… but if we’re all classmates we might as well introduce ourselves, right?”[/b] she asked. [b]”Anyways, I’m Edie Jensen, and I was invited to Orion Academy as a Super High School Level Waitress,”[/b] she said, turning a slight red. Hopefully the others would speak up, and hopefully she wasn’t the only one with a mundane talent. [b]Iris Bradley[/b] Iris had seen the last few people come in, and, sadly, someone somehow noticed her. She looked down for a bit before looking up at the boy, who was now talking to her, rather confused by what he was saying. [b]”I prefer to stay out of the way. It’s better for everyone that way,”[/b] she told him rather simply, though that wasn’t the end of their conversation by any means. [b]”What are you talking about anyways…?”[/b] she asked, rather confused by what he had rambled on about just a bit earlier. When asked her name, she looked down temporarily, before looking up at the boy who had been talking to her. [b]”I’m Iris,”[/b] was all she said. Not too long after, one of the other girls—the one with the apron in the center of the room—had talked about everyone introducing themselves. Crap, now her supposed talent would be out in the open. Sure, everyone else’s would be, but so would hers, and she would probably be the bizarre one. SHSL Despair, what a strange, ridiculous talent she had. [b]”Oh… I guess we’re starting introductions, huh? I wonder what we’ll be doing after this…”[/b] she mumbled to no one in particular.