Long after the arrest and imprisonment of Team Aqua and Team Magma leaders, a resentment grew in their families for the ones who had them locked away. True they had told their families tat they had been in the wrong and the others in the right, they didn't see it this way. So as the siblings of these two men grew more aware of what had transpired and who had their brothers locked away. Years have passed and their 'reformed' brothers are let go, shells of their former selves. While on TV they watch the two whom had locked them away. Uncaring and unresponsive they just go about their days as normal people would. No Team Aqua or Team Magma anymore. Just, no villainy in the region. Till one day a flyer is left upon the door to Archie's small home. Inviting his sister and Maxie's sibling to a tournament. With some protest and a lot of resentment, they let their siblings so. Unknowingly letting them fall right into the plan of a new team. Team Eclipse. A group wanting to cast the world into eternal darkness so that the ghost and shadow Pokemon could rule once more over the light. It will be up to both sides to stop them now. [b]Basic Information[/b] Name: Alias'/Nicknames: Gender: Age: D.O.B.: Sexuality: Zodiac: Current Residence: Occupation: [b]Appearance[/b] [b]Relationships[/b] Mother: Father: Siblings: Birth Order: [b]Personality[/b] Introvert/Extrovert: Fears: Phobias: Personality Disorders: Habits: Hobbies: Talents/Skills: Pessimist/Optimist: [b]Pokemon in Line-up[/b]