Name Hayden vance Astrovik Alias Firebomb Age 20 and a half Parents justice and Firestar Look (sorry but it's really hard to do a pic so sorry again) Short red hair with white highlights that is combed straight back. Big hazel eyes and messy eyebrows. Clean shaven face and square jaw. He has slight muscles. Costume red suit yellow belt and blue cape that goes over one shoulder. He has a hood in the back of his suit. He has a holster for a gun in his belt Powers he has inherited his mothers powers but he can also breath fire. Skills skilled in Arial combat. He was trained in that for 5 years. He also knows some kick-boxing and is a trained marksman. Weapons/tools he has a pistol as a present form his father for his 18th birthday. Other he is for the mutants and is believed to conspire against humans but this is not true. He also like cooking and fishing.