It didn't take Autharyx very long to locate Viltez, and he made his way to the front door. He wasn't sure of the protocol, but he figured that saying 'good morning' would be a good start. The half-breed seemed to be an impeccable host, and Autharyx was sure that it would be his best bet to just follow the man's suggestions to appear as human as possible. When he opened the door, his host was turned towards the rising sun, head tilted back to feel the warning rays on his face. Autharyx was just in time to catch the murmur aimed at the heavenly body travelling the air. It was enough to shake the last of his sleepiness away, and he watched Viltez intently, even though he realised that he should probably announce himself. It was just... He'd almost forgotten what it was like to have mortals properly appreciate the wonders and parts of the world, and Viltez seemed to do it so effortlessly. It reminded him of the priests and priestesses that had tended his shrine so long ago. He honestly hadn't had all that much to do with them, but he hadn't realised how much he'd appreciated them until they'd been long gone. Now he couldn't help but imagine what Viltez would say of his home, his lake or even the play of sun on his scales. He shook of the inappropriate sense of possessiveness that threatened to creep up on him. Just because he'd found an interesting mortal didn't mean he should think of him as something he could scoop up and store away with the rest of his treasures. He could satisfy whatever curiosity he had the human way, by interacting like a proper mortal would. After all, this was Viltez' world and he would play by his rules. "Good morning," he eventually said, doing his best to keep the intensity of of his eyes as well as his voice.