Welcome to Chrono Asylum Maiden! =D Your characters have been approved. I will give you and Arch a brief lay out of what has happened. A.M.R.O is no longer the only one of its kind as slowly several other organizations are taking root in an attempt to share the monopoly that A.M.R.O has acquired in Alchemy and its sheer influence. However A.M.R.O will not stand for any rogue activity that is unpredictable or wreckless. The sstory starts with the Gemellie eradicating a meeting of one such deranged organization known as the Forsaken Kings, individuals who believe Alchemy gives them a right to rule. Once the Gemellie take care of that they along with several other teams are suddenly sent to Vegas on an urgent notice. Namely because a tip has been dropped that the Circus will be coming there. Out of all the Organizations very few actually stand to pose a threat to A.M.R.O. Circus is one such organization, they have also strangely managed to avoid A.MR.O's tracking for more than 2 years and now out of the blue they are said to make an appearance. A.M.R.O wants to understand their intentions. Once the teams appear in Vegas, the Gemellie are randomly attacked by a rogue Alchemist who peaks Angel's interest. Once the rogue is easily defeated Angel starts a game. The game serves as an ice breaker and also the loser of that game gets to take on the role of the bait, the most undesired role. The objective of the game is to track down a little orb of energy, hence it is sort of race and the only rule is to maintain discretion in front of the public. The game eventually kicks in as Angel throws the orb near the outskirts of Vegas and mentally declares the game has started. The Asylums reach the end point and start a friendly battle to see who gets to grab the orb first and as it turns out Maeve gets a hold of it and suddenly is paralyzed/ In the back ground we realize Angel has invaded Kiara's mind and is telling her of his plan to use all the Asylums as bait. He tells her the Kings knew where they were and suspects a traitor within their ranks, he also tells her the leader of the Kings is one of the council of four. The Kings are cowards and wouldn't have appeared if the Asylums were in tip top condition, so he set up this game to wear them down and since he telepathically announced this game to everyone, the Kings knew exactly where to ambush them. If that wasn't worse enough, he also laced the ball of energy with a paralyzing poison so as to tempt the Kings even more. His end game the Kings would abduct the paralyzed Asylum and take her to their base and in doing so lead the Asylums right to them. Currently the Asylums are facing Gadrael one strong, bad mofo. In order to defeat him post teams are launching a collaborative attack so as to weaken him. Currently I am just waiting on Grif to post and after that it is anyone's game. Arch and Maiden, you both can jump in.