[center][img=http://24.media.tumblr.com/1669a1aae030a21abd5456986410a7c3/tumblr_mqxjlwXYBx1qldvqno1_500.jpg] [b]Jessica Hall/18/Pansexual[/b] Jessica is extremely petite in everything she does. She's on the short side at 5'3 and is very quiet and introverted. Even to her few friends, she has little to say. She enjoys being alone with herself and does a lot of thinking. She enjoys reading and doing art, as well as cooking for herself. She was brought up in a huge family that she just never seemed to fit in with. She'd rather stay inside than go and play sports. But now she's old enough and lives on her own - just the way she likes it. She can be in the quiet as much as she likes, and she never has to deal with anyone. Jessica has some anxiety issues, especially in social situations. She can have panic attacks when in large crowds or if she's ever put on the spot, so she prefers to stay inside most of the time. Because of this she's become a sort of loner, and someone who finds any excuse to stay inside. The friends she does have (or once had) she's become very distant to, and she feels like she can't control her own life. She can be very hot-headed, but she'd never shout at anyone. She keeps her anger in and lets it out as soon as she can, sometimes breaking things or hurting herself. She doesn't want to be an aggressive person, but having her anger pent up is damaging to herself, and she doesn't know what to do. Jessica isn't really in touch with her parents or any of her 8 siblings, and wants to keep it that way. She gets cards on her birthday, but they know not to try and visit her. She just really prefers to be alone, and she doesn't find any reason to keep in touch with her family. It may seem heartless, but Jessica would rather just pretend she didn't even have any family. [/center]