[quote=Shurikai] A small sigh escaped Marmalade as she stared down at the wanted poster. She had just moved to this small town only to have it plagued by a monster. Her eyes flicked to the reward 5,000 gold coins.How could that be afforded? Marmalade shook her head, it didn't matter. The money could help her settle here. Start a new life. With little effort, she lifted her scythe to her shoulder and headed to the forest.No sooner had she entered the forest, did she realize she was lost."Damn trees. Everything looks the same!" Marmalade said exasperated, kicking a rock off a short cliff. There was no monster, no exit, no hint of another person. What a dumb idea, coming out here alone! Marmalade walked over to a stump and sat down, rested her scythe next to her, then buried her head in her hands. [/quote] Raena had spent the last few months doing what Raena did best. Moving. Not sitting still. So it shouldn't really come as a surprise that she was found a good distance away from her hometown of Lohan, all the way in... wouldn't you guess it? The woods of Seles. In fact, she had been taking a nap up in the branches of some trees before someone unceremoniously came crashing through the underbrush, cursing the very things that currently made her bed. Shifting quietly, she looped her legs around the lowest branch in the tree before letting herself fall backwards, dangling upside down behind the girl. Her pale blue hair almost touched the ground as she hung there. "What did the trees ever do to you? I'm sure according to them, we all look the same too. It's not their fault you can't tell them apart." Topaz eyes stared at the back of the woman's head as if this information was obvious.