As Elena was moving farther and farther away from the frontier of chaos and pain, Elena had been thinking of her past... Of her brother and her parents. Where were they? When she arrived at her friends houses, most of them were gone, some of them had shut their door in front of her afraid when they saw her, even if she tried to explain. She found one of her old friends though, that had changed into a pheonix. She was able to talk with her for a long time, trying to get to know what happenned. That is.... They talked until they were attacked by shadow beasts as well as some dark green pheonix. Both Elena and her friend had to fly quickly, getting away, until they had to split up because of the number of them there was. For all the police, they could not help everyone. She continued to fly until she had not much energy left, landing on a building and then looking down. She saw a strange griffon as well as a feathery creature that seemed to look like a dragon also. She breath deeply, taking her breath back. She knew she might need to go back to flying quickly, but he needed to take her breath back. She just hoped that she would not be attacked suddenly. It was already enough of being overwhelmed with a group of dragons and phoenix, she did not need it to be worst right now with a kind of creature she never seen before as well as a griffon.