[quote=Masaki Haruna] It works like Sasuke's enton/Gaara's sand/Gray's ice make from fairy tail but more on a limited basis like creating blood blades more on attacks and less on defense. Creating blood out of nowhere is how blood release is done, rather more like a source of blood like a bottle of blood and manipulation is formed.Genjutsu on the other hand requires prep time, in this case Kirua must know the fears of her target and use it against them, if she doesn't know then she can't perform it.Inb4 I control someone blood, no, I can't do it cuz I stated it and it is a fatal flaw.Anyways, I did state all it's strengths and weaknesses on the CS. [/quote] There are more than stated strengths and weaknesses. The details I asked are very important and I thank you for clarifying them.