[quote=Krinos Solstice] A distinguished nobleman heard his name shouted and quickly made his way through the halls, his loyal servant, Astharoth trailing behind him. Glancing back at the male, he spoke, his tone quick and sharp. "Hurry up Astharoth, we mustn't make the king wait any longer than he has to!" he hissed, turning his head forward again. As the nobleman hurried along, several guards stopped him, "Agh! What now? The king has need of me, why do you block my path?" he asked. One of the guards handed the man a poster, "I believe you need to explain this to the king, Lord Armond, I believe this is why he is upset." the guard told him. Taking the poster, he read it and sighed, "I understand, thank you, I'll explain everything to him now. Excuse me." he said, motioning for his servant to follow him. He remained silent until the pair got to the door, in which the male turned and shoved the paper into the hands of Astharoth, "You idiot! I said five-hundred, not five-thousand gold! I may be a noble, but just how much of my family's wealth do you think I actually possess?" he shouted at him. He sighed and shook his head, "I guess it doesn't matter, as long as Serdio is rid of that creature, the price doesn't matter. I'll forgive you this time, but try not to mess up again in the future." he told him before opening the doors. Armond made his way to the king, "Your Majesty. I wish to apologize for the amount of gold on the poster, it seems there was an...accident when it was made. However, I am more than willing to pay the amount out of what gold I was able to bring from my family's estate in Deningrad." he said, bowing lowly. [/quote] Astharoth was running right behind his Master when he started to run to where the King was he could tell the King was angry but wasn't sure what he was so angry about. "Yes sir i'll hurry up! Your right sir we shouldn't make him wait any longer than he already has." Astharoth was getting chewed out for moving so slowly as a couple of guards came up to Armond and stopped him, Astharoth stopped right behind him all of a sudden nearly bumping into him, the guards handed him the paper then he started to chew Astharoth out for messing up the poster and putting 5,000 on it instead of the intended 500 gold. "I'm sorry sir i misheard you when you said how much to put on it, my hearing was affecting me that day due to a head cold that i caught. I know its no excuse but i am sorry sir." Armond told him that he would forgive him but only just this once and that he better not mess up again in the future. "Yes sir! Thank you! I'm sorry that i caused trouble for you! I'll make sure not to mess up again in the future!" Astharoth and Armond continued to the Kings study as Armond went into the study to speak with the King, Astharoth dare not go into the room for he was but an underling to Armond who answered to the King, he would be a fool to enter without a second thought for it could mean severe punishment later once they had left the presence of the king, Astharoth stood outside the door as the King and Armond conversed.