It was morning, and Bluemoon Academy was just starting up for the next year. Stone and the other teachers were already there, waiting for everyone to arrive. They knew that it would be soon, and as always, new students were joining as well as old. After a few hours went by of preparing everything for the day, Stone finally opened the gates and the students that had arrived slowly entered. Stone appeared in front of everyone as he stood in the main hall. Of course, Young Justice was already there now, Kusuna standing in front of Jake and Tyson as she listened carefully to Stone. "Welcome everyone to Bluemoon Academy. I do hope you enjoy your stay. Please don't get comfortable with the people you are with, as you may be separated very soon, Here, is the grand hall, where I will be making most of my announcements, I hope you enjoy your stay. It is nice to see new faces, as much as old. Now, for those who are age ten to thirteen, place move on up to the middle building. That is where you will be, you will sleep, eat and work there. Those who are fourteen to sixteen, please make your way to the building to the left. Once again, that is where you will be staying, sleeping, eating and working. Those who are seventeen to nineteen, please make your way to the building on the right, and let me tell you all while you leave, the building to the top is our detention centre, if you are sent there, then you have been very bad. Please, do not let that happen." He then walked away slowly, as he did, Kusuna looked to Jake and Tyson. It seemed they were splitting up. This was bad, she sighed, and made her way to the left building with everyone else. Dixon and Dixoz made their way to the middle building, Ruby made her way to the left with Kusuna. Cyber made her way to the right. Stone just watched everyone closely as they moved to their proper area. Soon enough everyone had gone in to their rightful place. He nodded to the three teachers, knowing they could take it from there. He then closed and locked the gates. If anyone came now, they would have to wait until next year. As the gates would stay locked, no matter what.