(Leo) The council Leader said "so is this new class of Macrobian the only one that can cyphon energy from us." Leo said "no I heard them say that Class Bs and Class As can also cyphon energy from people." The council Leader said "So this new Macrobian, that I guess will be called Class S, do you know how many there are." Leo said "I only saw the one but I would guess that there may be more and they are going to try and make all the Class As into Class S." The council Leader said "This is very troubling news." Then he said "Guards escort Leonardo to the medic so he can be checked out for any wounds then find him a place to stay." The council Leader turned to Leo and said "Please rest, we may need your services soon, and the council shall discuss what to do next" Leo then was escorted to the medical room and then taken to a hotel where he was given a room with a guard at the door. Leo sat on the bed and said "If I didn't know any better I think that they don't trust me" (Apollo) Apollo was on one knee waiting for Julius to stopp pacing and to talk. Julius finally stopped pacing and said "stand up already" Apollo stood up and said "yes sir" Julius said "I can't believe one warrior that wasn't even a elite warrior escaped the grasp of our entire class A army." Apollo said "I apologize for not being fast enough General" Julius said "It wasn't you, it was the others they gave up the minute he left the town." Julius then said "but that's besides the point, I want to double our efforts on the new Portal device." Apollo said "General that will take alot of energy." Juilus said "then you will have to increase the number of harvest runs to the surface." Apollo said "as you wish General." Apollo then walked out of the General's Room and was met by the Class As and Bs. Apollo shouted "The general wants work to double on the portal and for our Harvest runs to increase, IS THAT CLEAR." The Macrobians responed "SIR YES SIR" and then all the Macrobians began to double the work on the portal and began to prepare for even more harvest runs.