[b][u][center]???[/center][/u][/b] A familiar vulcanised blast of pure energy and heat shot throughout the strange new dimension’s sky, scorching a path through the air as it aimed directly towards Amy and Xandra. With quick reactions, Amy managed to pull Xandra out of the way and avoid the blast, as it collided into the environment behind – into the side of a large chequered cube suspended in the sky at a slight slant. The ground shook and trembled as pieces of dust and debris from the impact of the attack clattered down into the abyss below, and the occupants atop it; Dylan, Aria, Lisette and Kapi, almost fell to their knees from the sudden lurch. This world… it was mad and it made no sense. What in the world was… what was going on? What had happened to them? An ominous laugh roared from the Dream Eater, another voice that was changed and different from that of Dr. Dream’s or the nail on chalkboard crating voice of the monster that attacked them. From the bubbling, writhing and changing form of their giant adversary, a face of black ink seemed to stretch out from within the mass beside where the cannon had formed. This face looked identical to that of the Pride’s first and familiar opponent… Gaoh. Then, there was a loud roar. [img]http://i.imgur.com/2uDBgEK.png[/img] Above the Dream Eater, a small figure dashed along and hopped from strange cog to eerie nail, jumping from one platform to another until she was above the monstrous foe, leaping down at him with her Fireblade instantly ignited, raised overhead. A trail of fire streaked behind her, as Estelle aimed to swing directly at where the Dream Eater’s pitch white face contorted back at them with a smile. It didn’t move, showing no signs of fear at Estelle’s approaching attack. Truly… it [i]was[/i] fear. Right before Estelle’s eyes, a vortex crackling with magical energy ripped through the sky inbetween the swordswoman and her target. In it, Estelle could see more of the twisted landscape that served as their surroundings, but not what she should have seen. It was then that she realised what that vortex was, and Estelle gritted her teeth tight, baring an angry swear, as she passed through one end of the portal… …and straight out of another, falling beneath the Dream Eater towards another large cubic shape made out of brickwork, a clock tower pitched to its side, where Lucien and Selan were perched upon. However Estelle’s fall was aimed towards the edge of this tower, angled just slightly to miss… and underneath the horizontal clock tower there was nothing below.