[quote=Turtlicious] He was angry at women, because they didn't fit the MRA stereotype that he was led to believe.He was angry at men, because they seemed to excel at what he couldn't.The common factor is that a group of men set up this bullshit paradigm in his head. Dude is mentally ill, and should have gotten help. Instead he found a group of other mentally ill people who filled his head with crap. [/quote] You feed a stupid ideology to some people and they'll latch on, obsess and act out. Most MRA's stop at the point of talk because the venting is cathartic for them -- it's like the way some people talk about overthrowing government...and others send anthrax filled envelopes. Some people talk about retribution on abortion clinic doctors...and some actually blow some doctor's brains out in church. This is why I think, in a moral sense, that people have a responsibility to tone it down, but in America the right to free speech allows people to ignore that freely. (I like free speech, but I feel like it can co-exist, in most instances, with someone thinking before they speak) And yes, I look down on people that use that extreme rhetoric as their release mechanism, because they need to find a different way to get it off their chest, like lifting weights or yoga or whatever it takes so they're not encouraging shooters. We know that they feed off that shit, don't do the whole self-restraint thing and are often carrying out the extreme act because they want to impress someone, like their favorite author or a bunch of dudes in their extremist internet community. Showing some restraint in what one says isn't popular and some people are bound to snap and growl about the 1st amendment when it's mentioned, but I am proposing voluntary self-edit.