The room looked somewhat soft in this lighting. The sun made its way through a barred window, reflecting itself over every speck of dust that flew by. (Which was a lot. This place wasn't the most clean.) She had forgotten how long she had been in there. How long she had wasted her powers in trying to get out. Her body had scars from where she had slammed herself against walls, trying to break them. The bruises were still fresh from her last attempt, and whenever a guard walked by she always made the effort to grab him and get the keys to her cell. Danni looked around, tilting her head slightly and barely moving her head to glance at the cracked walls. Even in her final Kitsune form, the walls would only crack under her force. Needless to say she was now naked after she went into that form, her ripped dress laying in a pile in another corner of the room. She stayed curled up, even when she laid down to stop passerby people from seeing her body. Using her tails to cover her up with. And now something else caught her attention. There was a bird sitting out behind the barred windows.