He thrust a bit of paper at her, his hand shaking with the effort of handing that blood-stained note to her, pleading for her to take him to his uncle. Her own hand took hold of the note, shaking somewhat on its own accord as her eyes stared blindly at the information scribbled down upon it. The letters swum and danced all across the paper, refusing to stay still long enough for her to discern the words they spelled out. Even the number did not seem to be able to decide which it wanted to be. What kind of cruel joke was life playing upon her? The one night her phone was dead, would be the one she found someone in need. Someone who spoke a language she did not understand, and passed her a note she could not read. Even at the least stressful of times, Alex was far from a confident reader. Now, her nerves made focussing the letters into order a hopeless affair. Her eyes returned to the man, staring at him in horror. Oh god. She had to do [i]something[/i]. She had to get the man to Bao-Zhi, who-ever that was and where-ever he lived. Perhaps he was a doctor of sorts? He'd better be, or Alex didn't know how the man would survive. Still, even with the best of intentions and the strongest of will, it didn't change the fact she was looking at a full-grown man. There was no way in hell she could carry a man to the end of the alley, let alone where-ever the uncle lived. She could only hope the man could muster strength enough to stumble along beside her. Offering him her shoulder, she spoke quietly. “I can't carry you.” She spoke. “I need you to walk with me. You can lean on me.” She could only hope he was able to do so.