[quote=yoshua171] Just like with anything, balancing a high tier character is simply a matter of inventiveness, experience, and skill. Also, hiya Guru, been awhile, though I'm not sure if you even remember me lol.Oohh, it seems Arkaeis has a guest on Angar-Rylla...*smiles evilly* wonderful~ [/quote] Yo. I do remember you. :) [quote=LeeRoy] Vordak, I've edited Arp's sheet.Also, I refer all of you slamming on Vibro weapons to the Friction Drill. An immediate buildup of friction from vibrating weapons is the dangerous part. While this is rotating, the principal still stands. [/quote] Irrelevant. That is not vibration. That is High Pressure and High rotational speed. Vibration is not a distinct pattern.