[b]Name:[/b] Li Ning [b]Age:[/b] A couple thousand years old, typically appears to be in his early twenties [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] As a fox (which is his true form), he looks a lot like a typical red fox. However, his fur is a beautiful opalescent mix of soft colors and his eyes a piercing blue. As a human, Li can take on any form. Typically, that form is somewhat effeminate and Oriental-looking. His hair is dark, wavy, and long, and his old eyes are almost always the same piercing blue as they are in his fox form. Clothes do not change with him, however, so he tends to "create" clothes with an illusion until he can find something to wear--this is typically the first thing he does when he changes between forms. [hider=If I just personified the fox][img=http://img.charahub.com/c141826_39a003da06e1e14523be6862d4c68d96.jpg][/hider] [b]Race:[/b] Shining foxette Shining foxettes are rare and mystical fox-like creatures. They're not necessarily immortal, but they cannot die of old age and they usually have powers of illusion. Otherwise, they're weak, and taking hold of a shining foxette will dispel their illusion.They are often hunted for their beautiful fur, but under a full moon, they can take on a human form. Should a shining foxette find true love under a full moon, however, he becomes capable of taking human form whenever he pleases. [b]Abilities:[/b] Illusion making: his illusions are pretty strong though typically pretty peaceful and used primarily as a means of self defense. However, if a person has a particularly strong will--which is rare--he or she can break through the illusion without touching Li. [b]Personality:[/b] Calm, kind, insightful, and clever. He might come off as rather serious, but he does enjoy fun and laughter. He can be too trusting, though, sometimes and tends to see the good in everyone. [b]History:[/b] Many years ago, Li fell in love with a young woman under a full moon and would return to her every month until the love was returned. She had children of her own, though, and he stepped in as a father figure. When she passed on and the children grew to have families of their own, he left. Now he still roams, and--should trouble fall upon them--descendants of his lover can summon him for aid. That said, his story is an old one and most of the descendants are ignorant to the power they hold. [b]If anyone wants to make a descendant of Li's lover, let me know! I wouldn't mind having a connection within the RP and I think it'd be pretty fun[/b]--especially if that connection happened to be to someone who happens to be working for the king.