[quote=Sauron The Dark Lord] I think I can clearly describe an action, or what's happening, I don't need to describe the helicopter in any other way than that it exists.Like I did in the example above. [/quote] So I was just passing through here, considering putting in an application for a pilot perhaps, when I got caught up reading this unfolding discussion. If you're not here to write, then what are you here for? We all chose words as a medium of entertainment to collaboratively portray rich an enticing worlds with our writing and I cannot imagine that I, or anyone else for that matter, would enjoy writing alongside someone who's advocating such a dry and tasteless narrative as what you presented in your example. In other words, you've killed my interest. "Oh no, random guy lost interest, why should I care?" you might be asking yourself, and you should care because if you've made me lose interest I can guarantee that you're eroding the interest of others here as well. They've simply invested more time already than I have and are not willing to let it go as quickly. So consider how your attitude is affecting those around you.