"Hm?" Tyron looked to the side, hearing someone speak to him. He did not lower his arms, as not to seem threatening, though he did return the smile. "Ah, well met, then," he spoke. "But I'm afraid I don't think you're who I heard just now, in fact..." He heard another muffled voice from the same direction as before. "It seems that another person has joined whoever it was I heard." He explained calmly. "If it not too much trouble, I'd beg your leave for a moment, or that you follow me, so that I may find out who else is around here." He started continuing down the direction he'd been walking before he stopped once more, a part of what the woman had said finally processing. "A beast?" he asked, a bit puzzled. "Is there something about these woods I've not heard?" It was a bit of a silly question, and he couldn't help but laugh. "Well, I guess that's no surprise. I've not even any idea [i]where[/i] these woods are!" He spoke, smiling a little bit. "Erm, anyway... I'm going to go over there," he said with one more chuckle, pointing forward, before starting down the path, not concerned whether he was followed or not. What he saw when he finally arrived were two women, both of whom looked somewhat agitated, though it appeared not to exactly be over the same thing. "I do beg your pardons, but I heard some voices from this direction." He spoke, both arms still up in the air and doubtless starting to feel a little heavy.