[IMG]http://i.imgur.com/9qtnsQE.png[/IMG] [b][u]Seventh Floor[/b][/u] [i]"It's a trap!"[/i] Atlas shouted in warning, though it came far too late to do any good. The corpse of Doctor Dream was already coming back to life, his eyes glowing a devilish red. Dylan automatically reached for his slate and chalk with shaky hands, trying hard to not scream in terror as Doctor Dream tore his own face off, using his nails to peel the skin away as he morphed into something far less human. The ground beneath his feet shifted as well, lifting him up into the air as the whole room transformed into a clockwork monstrosity where the rules of sense and gravity seemed not to apply. [i]"Feed me your anger, your sorrow, your anguish! It only makes me stronger!" The dream eater smiled before he began to transform. “I am what you fear."[/i] The...thing before him was a garbled mess, though he swore that for a second he saw Tobias’ face staring down at him, eyes alight with a cruel humor that seemed pointed directly at him. “Ha!” he laughed, a smile upon his face. “Maybe you were - but now we’re together. Nothing can beat us!” The Dream Eater revealed his first weapon - a canon - and launched it. Dylan was safe from that attack, but still felt utterly cowed by the attack. Sliding the chalk into his hand, he watched and thought. What could it do? 
Above, Estelle jumped in an attack, trying to strike the monster from above. But it did no good, as she fell through one portal and came out the other end, falling in an arc that would just [i]barely[/i] miss the platform that Selan and Lucy were on. “NO!” he cried, quickly sketching and willing his construct into life. The long rope fell at Selan’s feet. “Use it!” he cried. “Catch her!”