“Good morning Jake.” Amanda said in her classic cheery voice as she approached her friend, her cup of coffee cradled in her delicate hands, though she was hanging onto it for dear life as if it was nectar from the tree of life and if she didn’t have it she was going to die. At least that’s how it felt. She ran into bug-brain on almost a consistent basis which drove her crazy considering all she wanted to do was get some money for herself and for the people who actually needed it. But [i]nnnnoooo[/i], the jerk couldn’t see her end of everything and couldn’t even just let her have a night of peace. Her adventure took her twice as long as she had planned, she spent most of the night waiting for a buyer and after three hours of sleep, she was finally somewhat moving and clinging onto her coffee. Do you understand now why she needs it so much? She was in the middle of drinking her coffee when he asked her how her date went. A small look of surprise moved across her face when she realized he had actually remembered that she was supposed to have had a date last night, in fact, he was supposed to have had a date as well. A small smile moved across her full lips as she pulled the cup away from her lips and adjusted the book bag on her right shoulder. “Well, he showed up late, just wanted to talk, sometimes he’d even talk to himself which was just weird, then he’d jumped around like a kid on a sugar high and I had no choice but to run. It just turned out to be another weirdo who wouldn’t take no for an answer.” She lifted her small shoulders in a shrug. As much as she hated to admit it, she did find the super-hero guy attractive. He was physically pleasing to look at and that was a huge plus for Amanda and the fact that he could throw her around [i]and[/i] take a hit was all the more sex. Not that she’d go out of her way to hit him but someone who could take a punch was always hot in her book. A simple shrug lifted her small shoulders as she took another drink. “Maybe I’m just looking for the wrong guy.” She muttered into her cup as she finished the contents with a disappointed sigh and threw away the cardboard cup into the nearby trashcan they had passed. The chat was nice; in fact their chats were never bad. She found an unexplainable comfort with Jake that she couldn’t have with anyone else, they had been friends for a long time and while rumors would spread that the two were dating, she never really thought much of it; why? Because he never asked her out on a date and when it came to men actually wanting to date her and putting quote ‘moves’ on her, she never really caught on. The Archaeology library was thick with books, Jake’s favorite place; surprise surprise for the archeology major. While Amanda felt right at home in the computer lab but she did enjoy looking at some of the things. “Oh I need to return this book!” She said putting down her bag once they got to the proper section and started up the stairs. She wasn’t stupid, she always wore shorts under her skirt just because, how often do you know if you’re going to have to run or not. Better safe than sorry and anyone who knew her knew that she normally did. Climbing up the ladder, she was still talking with Jake about some random topic before she slid the book into place at the top of the ladder. On her way down she made some comment that she found funny, apparently it was funny enough to make her foot miss the step on the ladder and she tumbled backwards falling off the ladder and heading towards the ground with a scared shriek as she fell, surely to land on her back and injure herself… great just great, just what her and her parents need…