Theodore chuckled lightly. Seeing the boys reaction towards his transformation lifted his heart. Today the pirate had seemed much happier than in the past. He felt it too. There was a sense of freedom that came when his beard left. His face was brighter. Not just from the lack of dirt colored mats that used to mask the lower portion of his face, but rather it felt like he had gained some pride back. The cell didn't seem to enclose him, it expanded a little giving him room the breath. "Pirate's have done deal with witches and magical hair cut imps for thousands of years. It just took them awhile to find me, being locked up and all." There was a joking matter in his voice that rang with every word. The statement held no malice towards the prince. Were they turning into friends? That was not possible. The royal prince of most noble blood, befriending a pirate. A friendship based off a clean shave and some books. This prince was just passing time, Theodore told himself. "Better books?" Theodore inquired. "What is wrong with those one?" He asked in confusion. How many different books there were in the world as a complete mystery to the pirate. He used them of other purposes on his ship, and they were rarely seen in any sort of good condition within the cabins. Puzzled by the books the prince had began to lay out, Theodore walked over to the table. Staring at the cover of each until the next was put down. When they all lay upon the time Theo's eye begun examining the covers. These were much different from the books on his self. Quite thinner and much more colorful. The books that self contained were all thick in pages and leather bound. None had any defining features at all about them. If Theo picked one of and places it in a different portion of the self, it wouldn't look any different. After taking into careful consideration and analyzing the pirate came up with his answer, he turned his head to the prince and let out a small breath "What are they about?" He asked, in the most serious voice he could mutter. With the denial of the information to which he inclined to know the man went back to staring at the books. This wasn't getting him anywhere and he sighed. The one book that popped out the most was the second to be placed on the table. He didn't know why, he could he recognize the "The" at the beginning and the only reason he knew that must was because they were the first three letters of his name. He picked up the book entitled, 'The Prince of Crying'. For a moment Theodore had intended to pronounce the title "Thee.." He began as if he were to say his name, but paused. The rest of the words he had no idea. Blank from his memory and replaced with swordsmanship and gold, lots of gold. "Thee" He began against, now taking the book to his bed as he pondered the next word. It was a fruitless effort and he laid the book against his bed and looked up, finially towards the prince for answers.