[Hider=Appearances] [img=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/215/d/0/tfp__predaking_by_lecidre-d6gk20b.jpg] [hider2=Dragon form] [img=http://i.imgur.com/dlvuKGo.jpg] [img=http://i.imgur.com/B9ijsRH.jpg] [/hider2] [/hider] Name: Firestorm Age: 7526 Gender: Male Race: were-dragon (enters only when he's extremely angry) Personality: As fiery as his dragon form, Firestorm will not obey anyone who is weaker than him. He will constantly test his masters, making sure that they remain strong. However, his loyalty to a master will be absolute, once one can earn it. To earn his loyalty, one must put him in debt to them, that way he will feel obligated to pay it back. His belief in honor is the cause of this, as he will only fight those who are capable of fighting back. This does not, however, mean that he will protect or even care about the weak. For example, when his rage takes over, he will target anything nearby that moves, killing it without second thought. History (optional): Frozen for thousands of years, he was recently unfrozen a few years ago by a demon who sought to use his power. Grateful to the creature, Firestorm swore his loyalty to it in order to make up for the debt of saving him. It was this demon that gave him his name, which made him even more grateful. He didn’t view the demon as a master, but as a friend. However, when his “friend” was murdered, it sent him into a rage in which he slaughtered an entire village. Since then, he’s calmed down, and made a life out of traveling from place to place. He still seeks to find the murderer of his old master, and will put priority of it over anything. Slave, free or master: Currently free --- Already ran this by GM through PM's, but decided to put it here anyways.