[quote=Ohmagaud] "You're right... I have no time for this," Kellen decided, running close behind this boy. "But I have to check it out... I have no supplies, and this pokemon is in no condition to fight. I'll have to come back."Hoping to get to the poke center soon, he shouted, "How far is this, exactly?!" We've been running for 20 minutes!" [/quote] "we will be there in a few seconds, watch out for beedrills they litter the place and they aren't the nicest" he said now noticing the smoke, as they noticed the small town down the hill terry tripped and began to roll down, rolling in a ball as to protect his pokemon. The gym leader also had a powerful beedrill. As he landed he quickly ran to the pokecenter and shoved the pokemon at the pink haired nurse. He knew the town well, as he had come many times to go to the festival, it was happening soon he chose to leave today because the festival started tomorrow.