[center][img=https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRG4Hd3ePnJmMfv_Ncg5wZQ44AYktak9fnSrf6xxxGoKUiRbiEm] [b]Name:[/b] Ava Ringold [b]Rank:[/b] Fighter [b]Job:[/b] Middle School Science Teacher [b]Mate:[/b] Derek Wheeler [b]Why he rejected you:[/b] [i]He said I was too childish, and didn't know my place as a woman.[/i] [b]How I'm getting even:[/b] [i]Prove I can do everything he can, and better yet. I want to ruin his life and his chances of ever being happy.[/i] [b]What I looked like before:[/b] [i]I wore my hair in braids everyday, dressed very conservatively, wore glasses, and cared very little about appealing to the opposite sex. A nerd, to say the least.[/i][/center]