Many of the townsfolk couldn't help but notice the newcomer, most stopping to stare at the foreign warrior, whether it be in admiration for wielding such an unusual weapon, or simply because of her beauty. Regardless of what their reasons were, the stranger didn't go unnoticed, and it appeared she had no intention of taking that attention off of her. Eventually Seles' Elder approached the woman, a pair of heavily armed guards with him, "Welcome stranger, to our little village of Seles. Judging from your clothes, you must be from all the way out in Death Frontier. You must have journeyed far for many days to get here, no doubt you've come to slay the creature which plagues our land? Of course you have, why else would you be here? Come, let me introduce you to Veragwen, our finest warrior. Perhaps you both could come up with some ideas on how to fight the beast? This way." he said, not giving Nayash the chance to reply or protest. As the man walked, they eventually started to pass bandaged men and women, several of them delirious and mumbling. A few others were shouting something about poison, and one more was freaking out about seeing several comrades 'cut in half' before his eyes. It was clear the attacks on Seles were getting more and more dangerous by the day. The man stepped into a large medical tent, "Veragwen, we have a warrior from the Death Frontier, she's here to help slay the beast. I hope you'll give her as much information as you can." the elder said before leaving. *** Armond had remained in council with the king for a few hours, discussing the reports of both the creature's attacks on Seles, and of the possibility that Blitz could be behind the recent local monster rampages through the forest. The most recent report was brought in minutes before the meeting was to end, apparently the usually docile serpents of the forest have started to rampage as well, their overlord made an appearance not far from Seles. "King Zeke, this situation is growing dire with each passing day. My contacts in Seles have informed me of several warriors and hunters that have gone into the forest in search of the rampaging creature. I understand that several have already been found dead, either by the beast's poison, or from being cut clean in half. You and I both know Seles can't stand another rampaging attack from the beast, that's why I'm strongly suggesting you send some soldiers out there." he said, pointing to Seles on the map lying on the table in front of them. Zeke shook his head, "No, Armond, I am certain the beast will fall before it attacks again." he replied. Armond frowned, "What makes you so sure?" he queried. "Because I've received reports from our allies that a warrior from Death Frontier has been spotted heading in this direction. You know how strong those warriors are, the beast will be slain soon enough. Perhaps you should send your servant, Astharoth to retrieve the beast's slayer?" he suggested. Armond nodded, "A good plan, Your Highness. If I may be excused." he said, bowing before he left. Once outside the door, he turned to his servant, "I have a job for you, you are to go to Seles and bring back the one who slays the beast rampaging in the forest there. However, I want you to do so under my name. Pretend you are Armond Zeraltus and bring the person back here for their reward. A simple task, yes? Oh, and you'll need to wear something more...noble-like. Change before you leave. That's all until you return Astharoth." he instructed the male, giving him a smile.