Veragwen had just finished with a patient when the elder and the stranger walked in. She stood and turned, offering the woman a pretty smile. "Welcome to Seles, traveler. My name is Veragwen, but I suppose the elder already told you that. What is your name? And you're from the Death Frontier you said, Elder? That's quite a hike.... Nonetheless, I'm glad that flyer is bearing fruit. This village can't take much more of this. Your help is appreciated." Vera rested her hand on the pommel of her sword, "I'm afraid there isn't much I know that isn't obvious. The beast uses poison, has sharp claws, and a tail. Each one is a threat of it's own and our supplies are running out quickly to deal with each one. I sent several requests to Basil for help, but besides that flyer and a few warriors I haven't seen much help...I've recommended evacuations as well, but they don't really have anywhere to go. Even Basil is a good ways away and that's a dangerous road. And so they remain..." she sighed. "All I can do is protect them best I can, but it seems my best isn't enough..." she said, looking around at all the injured.