Charlotte's head jerked to the corner where a younger boy stood in the corner. Come with us? She looked him up and down judging his wits, his wilderness survival skills, and his ability to even make it out there. She chuckled slightly under her breath as Roxy approached the boy with one of her many treasured blades drawn. Charlotte saw his glance at all of her knives, he was sweating, no doubt, but he hadn't run away yet which had to mean something. The two seemed to have stare-off before the boy spoke. Roxy didn't budge and neither did anyone else in the group. [i]"Well, I don't see why not? Are you good any anything in particular? Like, aiming, running, staying quiet, carrying all my stuff?"[i] Charlotte smiled slightly and looked to Terrance for his answer, her eyebrow slightly raised in a questioning manor.