Rose came charging out of the school with a big muscular boy behind her, the boy grabbing her wrist and almost swinging her around. "Come on Rose, I know you say your as free spirited and strong as the bison tattooed on your back, but what does that have to do with my chances with you?" The boy named Tyler asked, getting a swinging at his nose which stopped just inches away from it. "It means what it means Tyler. As I am free spirited and not broken like other girls, I don't want some hot muscular guy who will break my heart eventually. And if you follow me around, I will shatter your nose, and like a girl, you'll have to get a pretty serious nose job. Now get away from me Tyler...... Before my fist changes it's mind!" Rose said, seeing Tyler run off as he knew that Rose could throw a mean punch as hard as he could. Rose sighed, sitting on a bench and running her fingers through her silky soft blonde hair that adorned the tan crown of her head, sky blue-ish steel eyes looking at her short pleaded skirt that happened to be the color of her eyes. She wore a matching tank top but no jacket at all, and had white knee socks that had blue ribbons on the top. And she wore mary janes, that were a bluish color of sorts to make the outfit go together. And when Rose got up and turned around to talk to a friend, she had a native like tattoo of a bison on her back. She caught a glimpse of Liniwa's knife shimmering in the light coming from the clouded sky, slowly walking over to him as her mary janes crunched through the snow until she got to the chain link fence. "Hello? Is anyone there?" Rose asked, seeing the knife in the snow. Hadn't there been someone here just minutes before? There were fresh shaving on the ground next to the knife as well. "Hey Rosie, whatcha looking at?" She heard a boy behind her say. She turned around to see Joven and his gang who graduated three years ago, but hung out around these parts so they could get laid a lot by women and girls who didn't think they were pretty and that they were lucky to be with them. Joven grabbed Rose's hands with force, tying them around her back and picking her up as if she was as heavy as the sand bag he always lifted at work. Everyone was inside by now, and Rose had no idea what to do. "Please! Somebody please! Help me!" Rose screamed before Joven clamped his hand over her mouth so she couldn't make anymore noise. "Pretty girl, your luck ran out long ago! Your our bitch now, so don't you dare make another sound! Or else you'll get the whipping of your life!" Joven said, making Rose's eyes nearly pop out of her head as she wondered if Joven and his gang were really the notorious gang that took girls and sent them off as mail ordered brides. She closed her eyes, hoping for a miracle to happen or someone who might be able to save her.