Here's my sister's CS ^-^ [center][u]Alexander the Grape (The Grape of Wrath)[/center][/u] [b]Description:[/b] Alex is a grape sized purple grape with little arms, legs, and a face that takes up most of her front. She doesn't have any visible ears or nose. Her eyes are a nice green color, and are rather big for a grape. She has a high, squeaky voice to fit her little tiny grape body. Watch out, her cuteness factor could take down a [url=]mammoth[/url]! [b]Age:[/b] 6 months (16 in grape years) [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Species/Race:[/b] Science Experiment [hider=Powers] Good against all forms of dried fruit, but extra powerful against raisins Indestructible: No matter how much she gets stepped on, she always pops back again, even though it does hurt her feelings. Vines of Wrath: Has the ability to shoot out tiny grape vines. Very useful for climbing onto tables. Grape Arsenal: Alexander has the Unknown Storage that all grapes have. Items inside include: - Army helmet, binoculars, and cap rifle - Purple nightcap, purple pajamas with little sleeping moons, and teddy bear - Beret, fake mustache(french), paint pallet, paintbrush, and pedestal - Top hat, fake mustache(evil), fake goatee(also evil), and battle plans - Clip board, nerdy wide-rimmed glasses, and pen with colorful ribbons streaming out the back - And more! [/hider] [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Anything bigger than she is, as she can be squashed easily. She is weak to warm water, as it makes her sleepy and extra squishy. She is also not exactly the brightest grape, dead or alive. As a side note, she's deathly afraid of grape juice. No reason to explain, as it's probably quite obvious. [b]Personality:[/b] Completely evil except for the fact that she's not evil at all. She just tries to be [i]really[/i] hard. However, her schemes are in level with a little babies, and only ends up being hilariously cute instead. When she doesn't succeed, you'll probably find her crying in a corner, pouting with her puppy dog eyes. Just a warning, don't call her Alex. It hurts her feelings. [b]Likes:[/b] Being [i]EVIL[/i], art such as painting, pottery, sculpting, and other things, and her teddy bear. [b]Dislikes:[/b] Grape juice, being called Alex, being called "cute", and nobody realizing that she's [i]EVIL![/i] [b]Background:[/b] She was made at some kids home, who was trying to bring life to some peaches. It didn't work. However, when he accidentally spilled some, a bit landed on a teeny little grape, who came to life with plans to take over the world. Six months later and still nobody knew who she was. Poor Alexander. However, she did find her way onto a strange vehicle known as a "Boat". There were lots of people on said "Boat", so she was afraid of being stepped on. Instead of trying to take over the boat, she ended up hiding in a corner until it arrived at an island and everyone got off. With curiosity only an [i]evil[/i] grape can have, she wondered onto the island to continue her plan for complete world domination. [b]Study:[/b] What's "study"? Is that a term you hoomans use to put us poor grapes into a blender!? [i]I will not go! I will NEVER go!![/i] [hider=Theme Song][youtube]ANR5zsalQdc[/youtube][/hider]