[quote=Brovo] Can we please not blame sexism for a mass murder committed by someone who was extremely disturbed? This should be a grade A case for expanding knowledge on mental disorders not scapegoating that he did all this because he hated vaginas. Good god, come on guys. [/quote] So... why can't it be both, exactly? And I know you're being playful with the hating vaginas bit, but I don't think oversimplifying sexism really helps prove your argument here. Can madness not come from both within and outside the mind? This particular young man had issues, of course, that doesn't mean problematic behaviour doesn't have anything to do with it. Look at the comments on his videos and the way he's been treated, perhaps early on, by the news. Many have approached him as sick boy whose suffering was something 'we could sympathize' with. The fact is that although this single individual may have had an illness, that alone was not why he took this course. The way he saw the world and described it, which he was obviously openly sharing, is thought as mad. The idea that women owe sex, that women are objects, and the many double standards we hold between men and women cannot be argued to not be very present today in both our population and our government. We blatantly tie Manhood with Sex, making it a source of pride, like some illusive treasure which we who hold our genitals outside ourselves must attain. We tell our boys to man up, to suppress their emotions, and that violence is just another to communicate. That if a man is brutally assaulted he probably wanted it, or he's lucky, or that he's gay and just regrets it. Can you honestly say these aren't the messages you've received from the media and our society? It's pretty big in the US, at least. Hell, the fact that you can walk into a room and realistically expect most of the women to have been assaulted or molested before should be a clear indicator that we have a [I]big[/I] problem. So yeah, let's definitely consider that while mental illness is a serious issue America apparently can't take seriously, there's another issue here at play that, while it's often brought up, is never given the time of day. These are both issues that are represented because of the deep stigmas and misguided associations that label all women fragile objects and all mentally ill dangerous crackpots. As important as it is to underscore the need for our attention and care for the mental illness in this country, it's equally important to remember that mental illness alone was clearly not to the cause of this. The mind may be sick, but the sick ideas delivered to it were no help. [quote=Magic Magnum] That's what I was trying to saw when the Laci Green's video equating this to sexism was posted.But I seemed to be executed my wording very poorly this time (More than usual, my wording has never been the best :/). The whole hating vagina's were meant to be more direct quotes of him, where he's outright said both in his video and his journal that women do not deserve sex or enjoyment cause they wouldn't give him anymore. Even when not claiming sexism and treating it as the mental illness it is, that part is still relevant cause it played a big role in his thinking, his reasoning, his views etc.Put simply I agree, this is not a case of sexism, discrimination against women or anything. It is a case of a man who is very clearly mentally insane and an example of how the mind can snap and how the human mind can become so disturbed and deranged. [/quote] Sexism isn't just about women. That's the problem here. Sexism is about the expectations and crazy amounts of pressure place on our people to fit certain gender roles. The same expectations that tell a boy he must have sex to prove his manhood, that speaking a certain way makes him effeminate and therefore weak. The same pressures that tell parents if the boys play with dolls they'll turn gay and that little girls wouldn't have any interest in knights or nerf guns. These expectations, which we create and choose perpetuate, limits what is acceptable in a person. So if the boy doesn't have sex there's something wrong with him. So if the girl wants to go paintballing she's just some dyke. These expectations cause so many to hurt themselves and to commit suicide. These expectations turn instances of verbal abuse into 'boys will be boys' and makes rape against a man some guy's lucky day. The traumas faced aren't validated and the pain hangs deep. We don't acknowledge it, we won't help. So yeah, when someone already delicate of mind, someone who already thinks a bit differently, when this person meets these extreme expectations and pressures -- no shit they're going to break. Sexism is as much a problem for men as it is for women. We all suffer. Worse, paired in this case as it is with mental illness, we see two serious issues that are largely ignored in America. If a person straps a bomb to their chest and ignites it, we focus very hard on what is best politically. A bomber there was a Muslim Extremist, a bomber here is just mentally ill, despite the say religious fervour. Personally, I say screw the political interpretations. I say let's acknowledge the fact there are two BIG problems at play, and it doesn't mean two-shits if someone believes one trumps the other, they're both clearly issues here. These are messages being spouted off by both the ill and the 'sane'. Do we really need this argument on if something is an act of sexism or mental illness as if the two are mutually exclusive. Gods Forbid we see both as problems and try to change them.