[quote=ShonHarris]Sexism isn't just about women. That's the problem here. Sexism is about the expectations and crazy amounts of pressure place on our people to fit certain gender roles. The same expectations that tell a boy he must have sex to prove his manhood, that speaking a certain way makes him effeminate and therefore weak. The same pressures that tell parents if the boys play with dolls they'll turn gay and that little girls wouldn't have any interest in knights or nerf guns. These expectations, which we create and choose perpetuate, limits what is acceptable in a person. So if the boy doesn't have sex there's something wrong with him. So if the girl wants to go paintballing she's just some dyke. These expectations cause so many to hurt themselves and to commit suicide. These expectations turn instances of verbal abuse into 'boys will be boys' and makes rape against a man some guy's lucky day. The traumas faced aren't validated and the pain hangs deep. We don't acknowledge it, we won't help. So yeah, when someone already delicate of mind, someone who already thinks a bit differently, when this person meets these extreme expectations and pressures -- no shit they're going to break. Sexism is as much a problem for men as it is for women. We all suffer. Worse, paired in this case as it is with mental illness, we see two serious issues that are largely ignored in America. If a person straps a bomb to their chest and ignites it, we focus very hard on what is best politically. A bomber there was a Muslim Extremist, a bomber here is just mentally ill, despite the say religious fervour. Personally, I say screw the political interpretations. I say let's acknowledge the fact there are two BIG problems at play, and it doesn't mean two-shits if someone believes one trumps the other, they're both clearly issues here. These are messages being spouted off by both the ill and the 'sane'. Do we really need this argument on if something is an act of sexism or mental illness as if the two are mutually exclusive. Gods Forbid we see both as problems and try to change them.[/quote] Note how in my post that you replied to I noted both sexism and discrimination against women separately. I didn't lump them as the same thing, I am well aware that sexism effect's both men and women. My position on that is fairly clear on just about any thread here that isn't about Religion. As for multiple issues, to blame sexism here is to look at the base act. Not the actual mentality/trigger behind it. He was motivated by greed, jealousy and envy. He wanted sex and being a heterosexual male a woman represented sex to him. That's not sexism, that just happened to be the sex he was attracted to. So it was women he demanded to have sex with, and men who had sex that he despised.