[quote=DarkRecon] That was the general idea I was gunning for Wayne. I figured one RPer should be a military guy or gal. Again, I saw a doctor type character but I also thought the military would have a field medic for this sort of mess. Perhaps trying to find a cure or a way to control this virus but eh, just someone who can help heal injuries would be good enough. I actually thought about LAX to start since most of the characters are there but...well it's up to you. I still need to think of a character more specific too.This may come off as perverted depending but I wasn't sure what "gender" to make the field medic. Do you have too many males or females? I just consider these sort of things before committing to a C.S. [/quote] What, my character outside LAX isn't good enough for you? Just kidding, looking forward to having you aboard! Right now the men outnumber the women I believe, but I don't think anyone will be upset if you decide to add another fella to the mix. Of course, I'm not the GM so the decision isn't mine to make.