... Yeah, I lied to you guys. Also, to avoid confusion: Not a student, but a teacher. This CS will be expanded soon (it's missing weaknesses and background, both which I will include when I'm less [s]lazy[/s] tired!! I just decided to leave it here to see the general opinion/view ^^) [center][img=http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/028/0/8/genos_by_razerrichi2-d5t2eqp.jpg] [b]"Woah..." [u]Logan Norwigh[/u][/b][/center] --- [b]Age:[/b] Unknown (By his face, one could assume between early and late twenties) [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Human(?) Cyborg [b]Height:[/b] 180cm || 5'9" [b]Weight:[/b] 185kg || 407lbs (He's not fat, mind) --- [center][u][b]Combat & Abilities Specializations[/b][/u][/center] [img=http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/012/5/c/genos_the_cyborg_by_accelerator16-d5rbjsf.png] [b][u]Extratensory:[/u][/b] [indent]Logan is a man with a biomechatronic body, arms and legs with advanced biosensors and actuator technology. However, these parts are not purely made to replace his own, they're made to provide him with combat resources and make him more of a super-human instead of an average cripped man. What this means? That he's going to beat the shit out of you with iron hands and might bring weapons which you thought impossible to exist out of his arms themselves. To underrate him is a big mistake: Logan's movements are surprisingly [i]fast[/i] and [i]flexible[/i] for a man who literally has steel arms, legs and body. His strength is also incredible, his mechanical body parts are easily capable of breaking steel and shattering concrete. He's capable of super-speed, however his control over his speed is somewhat less 'refined' than expect, as his powerful robotic legs tend to shatter the ground with each step when moving at high velocity. His brain itself is enhanced by technology, which enhances his fighting ability as well, giving him enhanced senses which are certainly beyond an average human. The best part, is that he can toggle those enhancements on and off as he seems fit; Logan can go as far as disabling a sense, which is usually done to recover faster or even to avoid a foes' attack which has to do with his senses. As one may have noticed, Logan's an extremely resourceful fighter.[/indent] [*][u]Eviscerate![/u][/*] [indent]Logan's palms contain ports which allow him to fire large and powerful blasts of energy or fire at significant distances. An energy blast from his palms is powerful enough to obliterate an entire building, should he hit it directly and he's capable of changing between two modes of firing them, Burst and Stinger. Burst shoots various bursts of flames or energy blasts in quick succession but smaller scale, not extremely destructive, but great to pin-point targets and shoot them at a large distance. Stinger is destructive, intense and dense energy beams or even large tornados os fire, obviously dangerous- but only effective due to it's area of effect. Since this causes absurd enviroment destruction, Logan limits himself on it's usage.[/indent] [*][u]Hazburn[/u][/*] [indent]From the back of Logan's elbows, two small holes will open and a stream of energy will be released, propulsing him forward at an extremely fast speed; making him quickly dash towards the direction he wants to, often an enemy. Usually, he uses this ability to tackle an enemy with his shoulder or follows up with a direct attack (for example, a punch!). Otherwise, he can simply use a smaller scale of Hazburn when punching a foe to increase the damage of his hand-to-hand attacks by augmenting the speed and strength of his arm, which he often does.[/indent] [*][u]Axel![/u][/*] [indent]Logan will dramatically (but it's necessary, so) tear his shirt apart to reveal his cyborg chest in order to release a special missile which will choose a single target. This missile will follow the target no matter what and it moves pretty quickly: There is literally no way to dodge, but defending it is entirely capable, whatever the means. It should be mentioned that this missile seems somewhat [i]intelligent[/i] and it will avoid the easier obstacles, but at the speed it moves, if something was to suddenly appear on the way- it would likely explode right there. The blast range is not great, but if it directly hits a human, for example, it could easily destroy a limb or two.[/indent] [*][u]Assemble![/u][/*] [indent]Logan's arms reveals all their arsenary, twenty small missiles, four machine-guns, two granade-launchers and two rocket-launchers. He may or may not choose to shoot them all at once, or only some, or he may even just use them to intimidate instead of shooting at all.[/indent] [*][u]Burnout[/u][/*] [indent]Logan's capable of heating his whole body to an extremely hot temperature, to the point that simply touching could give one a simple burn. Usually, he uses this by grabbing someone- by their neck, for example, and focusing the heat on his palm. Naturally, given the powerful nature of this, he tends to limit himself depending on whom he's fighting- but if he was fighting for life, persay, he wouldn't hesitate in using it to it's full extent, which could be quite dangerous.[/indent] --- [center][b][u]Personal Information:[/u][/b][/center] [b][u]Personality:[/u][/b] Although Logan is indeed modified to be a combat-machine, his persona is still the one of a human. Obviously, he's not the same as he was before, but he keeps certain elements. The man appears as serious, but that's usually what someone [i]assumes[/i] him to be at the first contact. When one gets closer, they might start to notice that Logan is an extremely good humoured individual, even if he enjoys a bit of dark humour- often joking about his own [i]special[/i] limbs. He's not closed off to social interactions, at all; but, given his newly found position in Athalia, he avoids [i]befriending[/i] students believing that it could lead them to become too [i]relaxed[/i], when they should be putting their best effort in becoming stronger. To talk about becoming stronger, Logan is easily notable for being focused and hardworking, which is a trait he attempts to enforce upon others: To become hardworking. He has a severe distaste for those who pities themselves or simply do not try to reach anything other than their actual position, though instead of unleashing his hatred upon them, Logan is prone to attempt to give them a bit of a... [i]special[/i] hand. Indeed, Logan is friendly and completely willing to help others in anyway he can, he's even capable of showing a certain caring attitude, something he simply cannot avoid. [b][u]Background:[/u][/b] Logan's past is unknown and dark. What is known about him is that after certain incident, he was told to be dead, but actually survived and was literally rebuilt, becoming a half-man half-machine being with a completely 'fake' body and arms. He joined a group known as Eluo Malum right after and since then, has been working closely with said group. As per the group's request, he was sent to teach at Athalia Academy- though his objective is teaching, he's also there purely for the students' protection. [b][u]Classes:[/u][/b] Logan teaches Physical Education (And don't dare call him a cheater!) But he focuses mainly on Combat Classes, such as: Endurance and Strength training