[HIDER2= Andracos Soleviel] [center][b][i]Andracos Soleviel[/b][/i] [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://s1292.photobucket.com/user/SweetPrincessCinderella/media/156758636_zps0e09762f.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b563/SweetPrincessCinderella/156758636_zps0e09762f.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [b]Demonic Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://s1292.photobucket.com/user/SweetPrincessCinderella/media/Andracos_zpse26c3a89.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b563/SweetPrincessCinderella/Andracos_zpse26c3a89.jpg[/IMG][/URL] (Still evolving) [b]Age: [/b] 23 [b]Gender: [/b] Male [b]Species: [/b] Half Demon & Half Siren [b]Most Used Power (Demonic and Siren): [/b] Andracos, having been born of a demon and siren, sustains the ability to manipulate both the elements and a deadly attraction power. Since his main source of power stems from the poison that flows in his blood, he has learnt some elemental poison magic stemming from earth and water. The advantages of grasping these two elements have allowed this demon/siren to manipulate his true power of poison to perilous degrees. He sustains the ability to turn water to a death drink without any hint of alteration. The talent of complete paralysis with a single bite. A single scratch of his nail allows for injection. Andracos can be seen wearing gloves at all times, only taking them off when wishing to poison another with his claws. He seems to surprise vastly with his venomous abilities. In regards to his attraction powers he is able to release a love hormone similar to oxytocin which provokes feelings of euphoria and to manipulate it as he sees fit. [b]Significant/Special Belongings: [/b] Himself [b]Fighting Skills/Techniques: [/b] “The flow of blood gushing like a stream out of wounds is ever such a dainty sight” Andracos Theatrical combat; a multi-disciplinary performance art that combines brawling with elements of fencing, martial arts, dance, music and melodramatic movement to allow the fracas to appear rehearsed and choreographed. [b]Weapon of Choice: [/b] His cane and generally anything he can get his hands on [b]Job Title & Description: [/b] Snake Charmer Advertiser/Attractor of various stalls Magician Anything he feels like on the day [b]Number of Souls You Have to Collect: [/b] 800 000 (Original contract) [b]Number of Years You Have to Collect Souls: [/b] 100 [b]What Was Your Wish? [/b] To produce /unleash his demonic side & form (Original contract) [b]How Many Souls Have You Collected? [/b] 800 000 + (bound to be all) [b]How Long Have You Been at the Carnival? [/b] 250 years [b]How the Collection of Souls has affected your character (negatively or positively): [/b] [i]“Distress or anguish thy for merely collecting souls? I think not.”[/i] Rather pleased with himself that he does so very well – no other mental or emotion stress. [b]Personality: [/b] [i]"If thou dost lack in desire, thy simply ought to harvest it from the foliage and if thy so desire ‘Pretty Polly’ thou has thy way with she.”[/i] Charming and very charismatic, Andracos can have any girl swoon over him. Charming, engaging, theatrical Andracos is very much a lady’s man. Unfortunately it is not good thing should he take an interest in one. Beaten, raped and murdered is generally how a girl will be found when Andracos takes an interest in them. Nevertheless he’s quite the romantic, and is seeking the perfect female – one he doesn’t deem a dirty whore worthy of being raped. The sick thing is that majority of females attempt to be that girl. Despite being a rapist and murderer, Andracos has a strangely innocent, schoolboy-like charm. Andracos perpetrates gruesome acts of violence for no better reason, it seems, than that he likes to. Andracos himself doesn’t have a better explanation for his actions. Simply taking pleasure in being evil the way other people take pleasure in being good. He explains that he enjoys seeing blood flow and calls it “beautiful” or “lovely. He enjoys the power he has over people, even his fellow hoodlums. Though at times he feels sad and low, he doesn’t appear to feel any empathy with his victims. The violent life is just a feel-good game to him. [b]Biography: [/b] His sexy siren mother was viciously raped by a sinister demon and from the moment he was conceived, Andracos’ mother feared him. Thus he was orphaned at a young age by his mother, Andracos grew up on the rough streets of the underworld. Being forced to learn survival at such a young age results with him being true fighter; street smart. Andracos was 6 years old when he found himself without a mother and without a home. He has never remembered what horrible deed he committed in order to scare his mother so much that she abandoned him. Soon after his initiation into the streets he found himself imprisoned by a group of adrift vampires. He had multiple uses to them through the years of imprisonment – a blood source, a sexual toy, a slave, a haggling tool. Whatever ‘evil’ had scared his mother was, for that time, suppressed. He saw and experienced a side of the underworld that not many do. It was when he was 10 years of age that the suppressed evil that lurked inside him erupted and he slaughtered each of his imprisoners. Peacekeepers rushed to the ghastly scene and believed not the words that Andracos spoke about being their prisoner – the reasoning why, to this very day, that he despises Peacekeepers. It is hard to decipher whether or not his psychological state is due to his bloodline, his abandonment, his imprisonment or all three. He found himself constantly fleeing - he found himself very lonesome and yearned not to be. For over 10 years Andracos has been a powerful leader of the unwanted - developing a rather hefty criminal gang of similar delinquents whilst on the streets, ‘The Valach’. There is not a soul in the underworld who knows not of this criminal gang. However greed got the better of Andracos and upon hearing of the Wish Master, Andracos sort him out in order to gain more power and skills, wishing to manipulate more of his demonic nature with ease. He currently finds himself, never fully aware of just how many years or souls he has left to collect due to the fact that Mr. Seil does favour him so and is quick to alter the contract in order to make him stay longer. He is sure that he has collect promised number of souls. A word of advice, don’t attempt to fight against him, you’ll lose. [b]Played by SweetCinderella[/b][/center][/HIDER2] [HIDER2=Pachid Coyotas] [center][b][i]Pachid Coyotas[/b][/i] [b]Appearance: [/b] [URL=http://s1292.photobucket.com/user/SweetPrincessCinderella/media/images_zps93cc73e2.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b563/SweetPrincessCinderella/images_zps93cc73e2.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [b]Age: [/b] 24 for 263 years [b]Gender: [/b] Male [b]Species: [/b] Vampire [b]Born Vampire [/b] [b]Control Over Thirst: [/b] [i]Thirst? Craving? I’ve yet to have a slip up since I was infantile.[/i] [b]Significant/Special Belongings: [/b] [i]To place significants behind an inanimate object requires far too much labour. [/i] [b]Fighting Skills/Techniques: [/b] Despite Pachid’s great advantage as a vampire, he simply does not retain the effort that is required to physically brawl. Permitting another to step in front and brawl on behalf of himself is highly regarded and if individuals allow not for such a thing, the chances that he’ll simply exit the scene without a second thought is lofty. Slothful he stands. Nevertheless there have been and will be times in which Andracos either attracts or instigates a brawl that compels Pachid to enrol. Upon these times bringing themselves into existence one ascertains that Pachid is an exceedingly strategic fighter; scrutinizing how effortlessly and promptly an opponent can be defeated. Using his sharp eyes to observe any Achilles' heel, emotional distress and/or lack of focus Pachid will take advantage of any faults he observes. Tactical and ingenious in terms of fighting. [b]Weapon of Choice: [/b] His vampiric abilities. [b]Job Title & Description: [/b] The Dunkim’ (sits in the chair whilst others attempt to hit the target for him to fall into the water) [b]Number of Souls You Have to Collect: [/b] 1 000 000 [b]Number of Years You Have to Collect Souls: [/b] 400 years [b]What Was Your Wish? [/b] To no longer be in need of frequent feeding - tone down the thirst because hunting often is far to troublesome [b]How Many Souls Have You Collected? [/b] 600 000 [b]How Long Have You Been at the Carnival? [/b] 250 years [b]How the Collection of Souls has Affected Your Character? [/b] [i]“To place significants behind collecting, specifically after willing going into dealership with Mr Seil is one contradictory and two requires far too much labour.”[/i] [b]Personality: [/b] Reserved in demeanour Pachid has always been the most reasonable amongst the Andracos entourage. Within the group he is the least violent, and when other members fight he does not involve himself; more out of pure lethargy. Intelligent however far too slothful to make use of such a thing Pachid suffers from weariness far beyond the normal vampire. Lazy and unenthusiastic man who apparently spends much of his time asleep and no one, except Andracos, appears to try and stop him from doing so. Despite being a top ranking vampire Pachid would rather opt to slumber on a cloud over a physical activity, and if given the chance, he would sleep for the rest of eternity. Not particularly interested in the happenings around him, however surprisingly observant and a capable analyst. In comparison to the typical parasite of the night, he is not inherently violent or overly arrogant. He can be serious on occasion, although his personality does not change much; he comes off as reluctant, but nonetheless willing to complete the task at hand. [b]Biography: [/b] A street rat living on the homeless Pachid knows not what his true name is and who is family are. Upon seeing Andracos as a source of food, Pachid attempted to feed off him. Predictably Andracos came out victorious however due to the decent fight the vampire had given him Andracos offered him a home, a name and a way of life. Extremely loyal, Pachid learnt more survival skills and due to the training of Andracos his skills excel far beyond; if only he made use of them – something Andracos continually makes sense not of. Pachid was forced by Andracos to travel alongside him in his search of the Wish Master and upon discovering him again was forced by Andracos to go into contract with Mr. Seil. Pachid’s loyalty to Andracos convinced him enough and the deal was made. [b]Played by SweetCinderella[/b] [/center] [/HIDER2] [HIDER2= Rosalina Bell Seil] [center][b][i]Rosalina Bell Seil[/b][/i] [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://s1292.photobucket.com/user/SweetPrincessCinderella/media/rosalina_zps53b6f5bc.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b563/SweetPrincessCinderella/rosalina_zps53b6f5bc.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [b]Age: [/b] 26 (Angel years) [b]Gender: [/b] Female [b]Species: [/b] Angel [b]Level of Contamination: [/b] Low – Close to none [b]Level of Glow: [/b] Grand [b]Ability to Blend: [/b] Difficulty concealing - Mr. Seil usually conceals it for her [b]Most Used Power: [/b] Rosalina Bell outshines in the elements of air and water; this therefore draws her closer to the power of light. She shines by means of curative charms; healing powers. [b]Significant/Special Belongings: [/b] The two diamond wedding rings that she possesses (one from her former husband and one from Mr. Seil; however she is only permitted to wear the latters) [b]Weapon of choice: [/b] If any dares attempt tussle, one answers to Mr. Seil [b]How Long Have You Been at the Carnival? [/b] Too long… [b]Personality: [/b] Due to Rosalina Bell’s pure and untainted temperament, she exists as sickly sweet. Her delicate, high voice doesn’t vocalize unless necessary. She ascertains that she is a female, the frail gender, and that her position in being is submission to a male in which case he will offer protection. She displays excessive fondness or tenderness through action and deed; she is highly affectionate and she has come to be quite motherly to a lot of those in debt. She has a knack of making those around her feel special and valued. She is marked by unaffected simplicity; a little bit naïve – making her easy to like and protect. Although Rosalina does not deem everyone to be of equal value she does not act in a way that is demeaning, even when she is being belittled. When engaging in a hostile encounter, Rosalina, akin to a true angel, will attempt to bring accordance before battle. Her affiliation with others is gracious and welcoming – and should one be in need of assistance, be it physical, emotion or mental she is more than willing to provide (that also applies to the collection of souls, she is more than willing to act as an advocate). Due to the blood that flows through her veins she can at times appear to be very difficult to connect with, following her train of thought is easier said than done. [b]Biography: [/b] Born into aristocracy Rosalina glistens with purity. Since she was infantile Rosalina was edified in the ways of primeval and rather chauvinist behaviour and ideologies. She has been educated in the original traditions of the angels, predominantly due to her father being an adjudicator of the high court. Rosalina’s chauvinist behaviour is also profoundly influenced due to the lack of her mother who was exiled for heresy by her own husband. High Judge Romiel, Rosalina’s father, was obligated to banish his wife due to her immersed involvement in one of the holy wars. High Judge Romiel forbid even the slightest chance that Rosalina would trail her mother’s footprints and thus as soon as he banished his wife he set about educating his daughter as traditionally as possible. Upon her commencement of becoming a woman she, like all, fell in love and found a life of bliss. Happily married with her adored husband, she birthed two children, twins. However a dark shadow was cast over her life the moment Mr. Seils carnival decided to make an appearance in Azure, the magical realm. Without second thought, Rosalina thought she would take her twin children to see the fabulous carnival, unknowing it would start a course of events to alter her perfect life. Obsessed and fixated with the delicate being his eyes laid upon, Mr Seil vowed to own her. Thus soon after a visit to the carnival the events started. First was the death of her husband; mysterious and sudden. Second was the illness of her children. The sneakiness that Mr. Seil sustains, came into play when he made a extemporaneous appearance and offered her the health and long, safe life of her twin children if she sold herself, mind, body and soul to him and became his wife. [b]Played by SweetCinderella[/b][/center][/HIDER2]