Wandering around in a dark, dank, abandoned Inn probably crawling with undead, scourge-followers and light-alone-knew-what-else was not Liaena’s personal idea of fun. But then, very few things the human had done in the past few days had been fun, and unless they managed to rapidly track down the crazed evil death knight bent on the death and/or dismemberment of her boyfriend, very few things would be again. To that end she had wound up searching the ground floor of the aforementioned building, as the small, black-haired young woman held up the lantern she was carrying so as to shine better on their surroundings….with, ah, the most sterling choice of companions possible. “Ana shar belori! By Elune!” The large Night Elf ahead of her complained loudly. Liaena would rather have done without the elf, but the building was unfortunately crawling with them. Sharon’s desire to keep her safe, while sweet, had the unfortunate side effect of being paired up with at least one Night Elf at all times and Serphia had fobbed her off on this one, who looked about as happy about the arrangement as she did. Turning to look over her shoulder, the elf, which Liaena had mentally christened Lackey001 glared down at her as though she was personally responsible for all of humanities flaws and faults. “It stinks in here” Liaena sniffed the air. She had not actually noticed before the keen sensed elf had pointed it out, but there was indeed a whiff of something very nasty in the air. “Smells like shit” “Pfffft” Lackey001 sniffed haughtily, then clearly wished she hadn’t. Flouncing back around, she grumbled something under her breath that clearly contained at least the words: “humans” and “animals” in it. “Hey. We actually have plumbing, you have – what, a bush?” Liaena muttered loudly enough to be heard by the elf as she trudged after her along the corridor, before stopping short. “We have [i]plumbing[/i]. Lack….uh, hey you, have we found the cellar yet?” “What makes you think there’s a cellar?” “This is an [b]inn[/b]. A pub, if you will” Liaena pointed out testily to the elf, who scowled back at her. “Of course it’s going to have a cellar” Opening several doors in quick succession as they made their way down the corridor, after stumbling across several abandoned pantries and store cupboards Liaena pulled open a heavy wooden door which opened onto stone steps and a stronger wave of the unpleasant smell. Holding up her lantern as she inched down the steps closely followed by Lackey001, the light fell onto broken casks and worm eaten old furniture. Down below the earth, the air should have been completely still…so why was there a very slight breeze on her face? A long crack down the wall was not in fact a crack at all, but a door the same colour and texture as the stone wall, and very slightly open. From it, there was the persistent sound of dripping. “MISTRESS! I have found their escape route!” The elf cried out immediately, loud enough to be heard by the Night Elves upstairs before giving Liaena a baleful look. “[i]I [/i]found it” Liaena was gazing through the secret exit, glancing away only to roll her eyes at the Night Elf. “Sure. Fine. Whatever.”