[hider=appearance][img=http://b-wall.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Anime-Boy-Black-Hair-Brown-Eyes.jpg][/hider] Name: James Esteurt Age: 27 Gender: Male Race: Vampire Personality: INFJ. James is an introvert with a lust for blood. He has quite the hot temper, especially when he feels or even thinks someone is 'toying' with his supposedly fragile mental state. He also has an unforunately foul sense of humor. He enjoys being in charge and dominate. Although, he does not hesitate in taking the classical approach by letting the slave be himself/herself. He enjoys pretty things, especially the kinds that are delicate and feminine, and often times finds himself enjoying them a bit too bloody much. History: James has a history of killing his slaves. Oh, and how he has mourned over some of them. He just has this unfortunate gluttony for blood. . With all due respect, do not hesitate to ask him his history. Small talk, introduction, are always a traditional and polite way to know someone or some[i]thing[/i] a bit better. Slave, Free or Master: Master Crush: None/Open Boyfriend/Girlfriend: None Spouse: None Family: A younger sister, who will probably not make an appearance.