Okay taking on ONE more right now! Then that's it!, really I swear this time, last one I'm taking for a while. >///< *Has said that a few times already* Also adding a new post of a few new ideas I had and other stuff. If I've been RPing with you before the guild crashed, I'll make time to cotinue with you. =D I'll quite one of the ones on the other site I was on if I have to. I try to keep my commitments. {Especially if I like them. ;D} [CENTER][B]RPing Check List[/B][/center] ▰ I'm not sure on the grading scale here like what you guys define a writing level at, so I guess I’ll be break it down and be more specific. My spelling ability is pretty good, and occasionally mistypes in IM from time to time. My grammar doesn't make Grammar Nazis cry, {Love you guys!} I’m sure I probably have made a few errors so far, I have my slip-ups here or there like everyone else, but I’m doing my best to try and make it perfect. I consistently crank out four to five paragraphs a post, but, I usually do try to match my partners actually, but four to five is my minimal, though if I'm utterly brain dead and you give me nothing three, but lately I've noticed I've not gone under four paragraphs in ages, but if you give me something to work with, or if I’m setting a scene, I can give you a good deal more. I haven't really clocked my max yet...I've wrote over nine paragraphs if not more then that in an intro...though my intro posts do tend to get pretty lengthy....Like this. ^_^;. {I SWEAR I'm not intimidating!...I just tend to try to, well, you know, keep people from getting confused....Though probably just scaring people off now.} So I guess that might make me Advanced? I honestly don't know, but if you want a sample to judge for yourself just ask me in a PM. ▰ I can double, when I play one character it’s usually female, just my comfort Zone and I’m attached to a few of my character types. I know, really sad of me, especially since a lot of these things say “I’ll play female only!” And has to be annoying all of you. I am a bit more open to playing both genders. I just ended up playing males 99.9% of the time…. but if we double I have no problem playing a male character, that’s actually usually what I do when I play two characters… Though there are a few exceptions I might consider playing male but not promises, again playing single characters I tend to lean more towards playing female at the moment…Sorry! I know that has to be annoying someone by now…In short I do double, or play all my NPC’s and characters equally. Though, hey, if you can talk me into it, but no promises again. Also side note I do love to throw in plenty of side characters, supportive cast and NPCs. =D They add color to the story, so hey always feel free to use one of mine or throw in some of your own. I'll tell you if I want to keep one of my NPCs to myself. ▰ Now the amount of times I can post….well, depends really on my professors really; sometimes they put mini tests back to back, or I got like three papers due in the same week and that sucks the life out of me. I try to post as often as I can, at least once a week. {This is just my hobby after all, and I have to think about my future career and keep up with my responsibilities.} BUT! I do try to do more than that! Sometimes studying goes quick and I’m ahead so I have time to post pretty regular, but you got to keep in mind sometimes I can only post once or twice a week. If I’m going to take longer due to real life, muse is ignoring me or post back-ups I will tell you! I try to keep my RP buddies in the loop. So I guess I’m a bit more casual, so please don’t stress me! Gentle reminders is nice if I’ve taken longer than a week and not informed you of any reason why..but please, don’t be “Where my post B***H?!” No one likes that RP buddy…Yeah that has happen to me before… ▰ I will tell you, even if I hate to, cause I feel like a failure for some weird reason when I do, if I am abandoning this or need to pause the RP to come back to it latter. Sometimes I have lost all interest, life is to hectic and you are just tired of waiting around, or if life is just kicking my butt and I need to distance myself from the internet and my computer in general for a little bit. I WILL tell you if this happens, I know what it feels like to be left in the cold. ▰ I love romance, but very rarely as the main point of a plot though, but I do love it being a part of the story, gives a little something to distract and build along with the characters themselves, but I do like a more driving point to the plot…which is why a lot of my ideas have twists to the plots. ▰ Parings I do, I will have bellow in the ideas I have. ▰ I can play a large verity of settings. ▰ Just random fun fact about me, I fangirl, pretty often. { My top three right now is Marvel, Loki, and Tom Hiddleston. Though I'm fan-girling about a lot more then that. Counting Sleepy Hollow, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, most crime shows, Teen Wolf, Supernatural, Sherlock, and Benedict Cumberbatch.} [u]Just so I know you read this, please tell me if you are fangirling/fanboying over.[/u] [Center][b]What I Would Like From an RP Buddy.[/b][/center] ▰ PLEASE!Tell me if you lose interest…It’s starting to hurt a little when I’m left in the cold without a word. ▰ I'd love help driving the plot forward please, I feel this should more be a team effort then one of us being the only thing moving this thing forward. This becomes a chore instead of fun when that happens. But I swear no pressure! ▰ If you have any questions or ideas of your own, even sugestions to alter or add on to one of my ideas never be afraid to toss them at me! I love hearing them. Also if you have any RP Ideas you want to do with me, just toss them at me! I love to hear ideas. ▰ I by no means expect anyone to be perfect, but, please! Capitalize your sentences, use punctuation, at least give me two paragraphs and have decent grammar! It’s okay to crank out one if there is really nothing to go on, but more is much loved and I’ll try to always give you something to work with but I understand. Quality before quantity. ▰ If you have any limits, please tell me! Like if you hate bloody fight scenes or anything else, in your PM tell me, {this is another little thing to prove you read this list, also just good to know.} and I’ll tell you mine. I guess in short I’m comfortable in Mature settings, but I can tone down, just tell me! ▰ I’m pretty laid-back, so I don’t mind waiting, but tell me if you think you might take a long time to post, like two or three weeks long. I don’t mind waiting for a good post. [center][b]Ideas![/b][/center] Okay here is a few plot ideas I have. I don’t play Yuri, it’s just don’t, but in doubling my guys can go either way, I have experience in writing both. All these plot ideas are just building blocks I’d love to discus and develop them more when you pick one. If you have your own ideas feel free to put them in and ask me question if you have any. [b]▰[/b] [b]The Crimson Skies.[/b] {Free!} [i]Pairings: [b]F[/b] X M. If doubling? [b]F[/b]XM, and F/M, M/M.[/i] [i]"It all started with a simple promise, a single favor, that turned our crew on it's head...Where the fate of the world on our shoulders, we sail these cursed skies. This is a tale the bards will sing of for years to come"[/i] This idea has quite a few ways to twist it. One includes a royal families secret, the kidnapping of the crown Prince or Princess. {Depends if you rather play the Pirate or royal, I got characters for either role. It's a classic theme in a few ways with piracy and classic peasants conflicts thrown in. This can be talked out. It can be sci-fi, fantasy steam punk or classic past fantasy setting on the open sea. This idea deals with darker forces and histories that formed the countries and the standing of the royal family of this particulate kingdom. Also another idea includes another adventure the royal gets dragged into by their peasant/servent. {Got this idea a bit while watching Merlin. XP [center][b]▰ Runaway {Free}[/b][/center] [i]Pairing:[/i] [b]F[/b]XM If doubling, [b]F[/b]XM, F/M or M/M [i]“They’ll never find us…”[/i] It seemed as if their life was crashing around them…If they stayed, no, they had to go, they have to run away! Though it seems running away unnoticed isn’t as easy as it seems in your head. When you have a friend like this, plans tend to get complicated. What they find on their travels, trying to out run those who peruse them, fight the homesickness that tugs at their hearts, or even to find a way from one day to the next, only time will tell and they disappear into the night side by side…We only have this one life. [b]Setting:[/b] Okay so this can go a few ways, it can be a [u]Modern fantasy or supernatural, even.[/u] One of them is running away from an arranged marriage, organization, crime family, or even just a bad home. [u]Modern[/u] I kinda like the Mafia family thing for this setting, like they are being forced to become boss soon, told they would have to kill someone they loved, or they are being trained as an assassin for their family. [u]Sci-Fi[/u] even works for this plot. [center][b]▰ Mafia[/b] {Free}[/center] [i]Pairing:[/i] [b]F[/b]XM If doubling, [b]F[/b]XM, F/M or M/M [i]“Just try not to get shot….”[/i] Okay don’t got a cute summary like Runaway cause the Mafia thing falls under so many things. The general idea is that two crime families have to work together against a common threat, and to dodge the police and any other law enforcement we come up with. Be it we play the bosses kids or the bosses themselves…or even the assassins/hit mans from rivaling families. [b] Settings:[/b] This can be a [u]modern, modern fantasy, or sci-fi…or even like Sherlock Holmes time period sort of thing.[/u] [center][b]▰ Welcome to the Pack[/b] {Free}[/center] [i]Pairing:[/i] [b]F[/b]XM If doubling, [b]F[/b]XM, F/M or M/M [i]“Trust me…You should just be happy you weren’t killed…”[/i] So, this idea is pretty obvious. it’s a supernatural thing, though it can be a werewolf pack or a vampire coven. {Not the type that sparkle thank you…} Some poor, unfortunate soul was turn one night and ends up part of a pack or drawn into their makers coven. Who, plays what, we can talk about, because I can play either, be it the new, or the already established one heck even the maker. This has many other parts, like if they search for a cure, try to adjust to this new life as something no longer human and find that there are wars, and infighting among the race or other supernatural beings {beside the typical vap vs wolf, thing, there is plenty of other things we can pull out to fight against, but I have nothing against the classics.} Oh and finding a way to live with the human world all at the same time. The pre-established wolf/vampire can either be the new ones sort of mentor/person stuck teaching the new kid, or the one that changed them…really this idea we can discuss and build on. [b]▰[/b] [b]Heaven or Hell.[/b] {Free!} [i]Pairings: [b]F[/b] X M. If doubling? [b]F[/b]XM, and F/M, M/M.[/i] I can be more specific if anyone's interested {Like Demon X Reincarnated Angel, Fallen Angel X Reincarnated, ReincarnatedXReincarnated, Angel X RA, ect} I can also break down my definitions of the races/species. [i]“There is always a light in the darkest night…Just open your eyes.”[/i] {This might be something that those who are very sensitive to religion should skip. This uses some Biblical references, the idea of God, Angles, Fallen Angels, Demons, and Satan, and such, with some creative liberty to added events and such for back story….You know disclaimer so this isn’t blasphemy or I unintently insult someone with me taking creative liberty, Fiction and all that…Okay I’ll stop now, my needless worrying and all that and just get on to the idea….sorry! ^__^; Clicky the little thing that says Spoiler please!} [B][center]Backstory/Plot[/center][/B] [b]▰[/b] [hider=The Black War]Any who have sat through a Sunday school class, or even read the bible have heard of the Fall of Lucifer, the war among angles, the day that many an broken Angles feathers were stain blacker then night, by the soot of hell’s flames. Though there is one war that had been lost to the sands of time. A war that scorched the Mortal plane, and brought humanity to the edge of extinction. Long ago the Mortal plane wasn’t as it is now, back when mankind while he still draw breath could see the gates of Heaven and Hell, when the Garden of Eden could be seen as an unreachable oasis, always out of reach, but if you looked you could always see. In this time Angels, Demons and the Fallen walked the lands of man, and maybe that was the great flaw in this original design, maybe if they had not mingled the Forbidden Children might not have been created. It was not long before the kin of Hell, and the Legion of the Forbidden clashed, fighting for territory, lands, even the mortals that inhabited it. The Forbidden not happy in their lot below that of the Fallen, bellow even the cattle that were called the children of God! No, and such mortal souls had not a choice but to be caught in this turmoil, more their lives lost then that of the Immortal legions. The archives in the halls of Heaven’s court say this was what brought on the All Father’s gaze, he unleashing his legion to end the suffering being thrown upon his children, though the Combined forces of Hell and the Forbidden were more formidable then Heaven’s Legion could have foresaw. This war went on for over two centuries, all sides having lost men and women in great measure, while mankind had seek refuge in the few strong holds that offered them protection from an inevitable death. That was all the once beautiful lands held for them, the fields bathed in blood, the once lush grasslands nothing more barren wastelands. The Oceans ran black, and the forest ablaze. The war having rendered the lands unrecognizable to its creator’s eyes. It was then, as the oldest of Heaven’s Legion tells, that God created four creatures resembling that of his first children, though with strengths that have not been seen from none but the Father himself. Even if it was only a small measure of his own power, it was clear they were not Angles as they. The four were given a small measure of God’s strength, dominion over a greater force that could turn the tides. Though maybe there was a flaw in his design…He should not have given them as many traits of Man as he had…Though who were the Angels to question his grand design? These were Heavens Generals, four creatures given control of his armies. From the North, South, East, and West, they pressed the legions in, until finally all was calmed. The Kin of Hell having return to their domains, satisfied with Heavens judgment on the Forbidden born. The details of what happen next have been lost, even to the archives of the Immortals. Some say the Forbidden’s Lord was the downfall of the Generals, some say they trusted too blindly, so say out right trickery, while other say the old fool managed to sink his blade in a new sheath. While others say that they could no longer stand the horrors of what had befell the lands, the lives lost, the lives they took, and all such horrors of war. Maybe even and ambitious Kin of Hell found favor with lady luck. No matter what was said, one by one they fell, be it by their own hand or another’s, the end was all the same, after centuries of peace Heavens Generals golden blood was spilt and hearts still. Records mention little after. Veils were put in place, Heaven and Hell separated from the living, the Forbidden children locked away in realm of their own. One would think the story end there but, if only it was so simple. A sad story lost to the eternal hourglass. It seemed every few centuries, the lost souls, the generals’ were are birthed in a mortal vessel. Many are not sure if it was punishment for those that took their own lives, to never find rest in damnastion or grace, wherever the souls of the immortal go. Maybe it was a second chance at life? Though why mattered little. For eons by those of highest orders of Heaven and Hell, in agreement for once in their existences while the Masters rested, that they should not be allowed to live. To prevent the Forbidden Lord to snatch the pieces of God’s grace that the immortal spirits held deep in their beings…If he were ever to rise in power, to have each piece, his kind could storm the gates. So with each new breath, in the dark of night, was stilled by a member of Heaven or Hell’s blade. If only it had work, no matter how unfortunate it was…for now the Forbidden King has took one of the four pieces of God’s grace….A new plan must unfold, before the realms are thrown in a war that none will see a light in the dark… [i][left]-Arcel, Keeper of the Holy records.[/left][/i][/hider] So yeah…I know really long and as you can tell this idea can be a little dark…but yeah this is one of my oldest babies, one of the reason it had a whole back story typed up! A lot can be done with this but I think that set’s the general tone maybe? If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask in PM and this is still something I love to build on some with you! I just have a good chunk of the back story thought up. XD [b]Setting:[/b] Sooo, this one is sort of set of setting…I’m thinking modern time when on Earth though outside of that is can be anything. {You know if they pay a visit to Heaven, Hell, or even a third realm all together~.} Supernatural and maybe even Fantasy themes might be involved. [b]▰[/b] d[b]All Hallows Eve.[/b] {Free!} [i]Pairings: [b]F[/b] X M. If doubling? [b]F[/b]XM, and F/M, M/M.[/i] [i]“Heh..Heh….Please tell me you heard that too….”[/i] So, I love Halloween, so an idea keeps popping in my head about a veil separating the human world from the supernatural one weaken on Halloween night, and has since the world began. Though one Halloween a force ripped the veil allowing all sorts of creatures that go bump in the night to come through and take over a city trapped in this chaos, time trapped in October 31st. A transparent dome trapping it’s inhabitants and other realmly creatures in the limits of the city. It’s sort of survive all sorts of blood thirsty creatures, learning to tell the difference form Halloween costumes and what is real. And more importantly to find out what caused all of this and how to fix it. This idea really can be built on. [b]Setting:[/b] Can be discussed! [center][b]▰[/b] [b]The Red Paved Road [/b] {Free!}[/center] [i]Pairings: [b]F[/b] X M. If doubling? [b]F[/b]XM, and F/M, M/M.[/i] [i]“I’m pretty sure we were supposed to take a left back there….”[/i] So, this idea hit me a while back and I finally have time to put it down. It’s pulled from an old group ideas that I had to scrap for lack of time a year or two back. So anyways on with idea. {Pretty sure you all are tired of my rambling already.} So again this is another one I wasn’t real sure how to write it as a nice summery. The basic idea is a travel RP of sorts. Either a road trip as the title suggests, or it can be a travel around the world idea. Though as usual it has a twist to it. This idea has many variations to it. If it’s a road trip it can include very persistent serial killer(s). [b]Modern[/b] If we take an [b]supernatural[/b] twist it can include a few different tweaks, though one idea is of course sort of inspired a little by the concept of Supernatural, the show by having the characters travel around taking out monsters as hunters, and can evolve into all out hell~. Another twist from the very original drawing board of this idea is sort of that the characters were science experiments created by secret labs to be super-soldiers or a new form of humans to use as weapons or even labor. Though they (and possibly more) were sort of “liberated” from the labs when they were young, by the more sympathetic scientists and raised as their children. So when they start out on the trip, which this idea fits better as around the world sort of trip, they are suddenly under the radar and have to fight and run for their freedom…So this might be sort of [b]Sci-fi[/b] if I think about it. It can be futuristic even. Another is more for around the world idea with an over play on Mafia families/ crime families. This is more on the Modern realistic. [center][b]▰[/b] [b]Beyond the Veil.[/b] {free}[/center] [i]Pairings: [b]F[/b] X M. If doubling? [b]F[/b]XM, and F/M, M/M.[/i] [i]“How are you his Grandchild?....Hey! Don’t tou-!…We’re doomed…”[/i] So this I sort of pulled from a mix of two old rp’s. The premise is that a family line have for generations serve as guardians to the Veil that separate the Humans from the realm that holds all sort of creatures of legend and even those lost to the human tongue. The powers are passed from Grandparent to Grandchild as well as taught the skills of the trade, they letting the child live a normal life with their parents, and not telling them the true purpose of the ‘odd’ visits with their grandparents every week. They are drafted into the family ‘business’ when they turn eighteen. (In cases when there have been more than one grandchild that hold the ‘promise’ to be a Guardian one of the children can go on to pursue whatever career they want or work as a second Guardian.) As well as given their Familiar of sorts [hider=The Familiar][center]I use the word familiar because I’m not really sure what else to call the sort of partnership. They are sort of the servant, guard, and teacher all in one, sort of like witch or warlock’s familiar. Also I sort of call them a familiar because they usually have animal like features like a Neko, and other such verities of the species. (The physical characteristics of their more human form is pretty much either pointed ears, sharpen canines, and tail, or like a neko, animal ears…and the more reptilian variations of this race scales somewhere on their body, and cold blooded. If you choose to play the familiar you can have creative liberties, but to be clear [b][u]they are not furies in any shape or form.[/u][/b]) They also have a second form when they turn into their animal counterparts, but they can be larger then the typical, far less intelligent species on the human side of the veil. They act as a sort of guide and guard to the new ‘Guardian’, especially on the other side of the veil. Also many forces have been known to try and break the Guardian line to keep there from being a protection from the veil being destroyed. (History of this will be elaborated a bit more on the Guardian tag.) So often the new Guardians need to be protected in a few cases as they learn to use their new powers and come into their skills (and the awesome gadgets!...What? I like gadgets…) though in many cases they are seen in being a form of servitude, and some Familiars of past have been known to act as, or forced to be in the past. Their final part of the job, which is not always true in all cases is that they help train and teach the Guardian further after they are no longer their Grandparents student. A Familiar is usually either persuaded, forced (by repaying a debt or spared a harsh sentencing) or tricked by a previous guardian. (99% of the time the Grandparent of the new Guardian.) Signing a blood contract that seals them in their role to the new Guardian. If you want to play the Familiar I’ll of course give you creative liberty, this is just how I had their lot thought out.[/center][/hider] Since I explained what a Familiar was, I should explain what a Guardian is? I swear this got a bit longer then I expected… [hider=The Guardians] [center]They were once a secret order, many family lines that derived from the race that created the veil separating the human race from the other races. Why has been debated for generations. Some say that the races were separated because the human race was being hunted into extinction by the other races that would hunt them for game, or developed a taste for. While others say that the Humans were destructive creatures that abused their neighbors, and destroyed the land around them. Though either way the result was the same, the humans were separated into realm all their own. The race the Guardian families derived from were often mistaken for Witches and Wizards for their affinities with the Arcane arts, but unlike them they were born with a connection with the energies that hold the world together, and able to manipulate realties. Though the Guardians powers have been diluted a great deal by mingling of human blood, so now they can no longer create and manipulate realities, though they do have powers of many forms that improve with practice, and some forms they are just born with the affinity for. {Be it casting spells from books, manipulating elements, Psychic abilities like mind reading, telepathy or telekinesis, again something that you have creative liberty if you want to play the Guardian.} Though the powers are often locked away or at least dampen until their final lesson on their eighteenth birthday. Guardians now also use gadgets and tools created by Guardians before them as well as created by their allies that are hidden from human eyes or on the other side of the Veil. Their job is to protect both sides of the Veil and to keep it in one piece. Let alone keep old artifacts under lock and key and out of the wrong hands. (Sort of took that last part from the Librarian movies. XD…I love Excalibur!)[/center][/hider] Well that’s all I can think of at the moment but, if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask! I’m happy to explain. Though on with the plot~ Before this Grandchild (who can be played by you or me, not at all picky on this~) could receive their final lesson their Grandfather he disappears! So imagine their surprised when a stranger (The Familiar) whisks into their life. To train the new Guardian and more. This plot can be built on a lot but yeah as you can tell from the info tidbits many things can be involved, let alone looking for the missing Grandfather! ….Yeah I was reading a lot of manga when I thought this one up….And one too many times of watching “The Librarian.” Setting?: Can be modern, Past, maybe futuristic…We can pin that down if you like it! [center][b]▰[/b] [b]There is no Such thing as Superheroes..[/b] {[b]Free![/b]}[/center] [i]Pairings: [b]F[/b] X M. If doubling? [b]F[/b]XM, and F/M, M/M.[/i] [i]”Don’t look back!.....What did I just say?!”[/i] This is sort of the same principle as the Sci-fi twist of the road trip rp, except they go on with life not knowing each other, or knowing there were others like them until they are captured and dump back in a ‘training facility’ for super-soldiers/ “Heroes” with other experiments that weren’t “whisked away.” This can go quite a few ways. Like they can grow into being heroes, or part of an elite team/ super-solider squad. Or take a U turn and try to take over the world. Or even yet, they escape and sort of stay on the run and yet end up involved in situations where they need to help people and end up over throwing a corrupt system and government! This is one of those things that will really be decided with you if you like the idea. Setting: I think futuristic Sci-fi or modern Sci-fi. I also have a few other generic Ideas to build on. Also a few Sci-Fi and past Fantasy ideas. You know the classic of Pirates and Nobility/Royalty, Princess and the knight or peasant. Teacher and Student. Though again, I'm open to suggestions and ideas! Quickest way to get my attention is PM, but I'll probably check this thing pretty often. Okay! That's everything for now! =D...um if this is too loud and intimidating please tell me! I'm not sure when I take these searches too far.