[img] http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-eQMSGkMBOKI/TVNw6tcsqJI/AAAAAAAAAEw/b5mJTEfVpqU/s1600/3134789111_d2dda4bc70_o.jpg[/img] To any passerby, the hotel would've looked like the most unsanitary and worn down place in the world. Rust and dirt lingered in crevices and corners. Semi working neon lights glowed softly, the metallic walls softly reflecting the red illumination. Those who wandered too close to the building were quickly cast away by the harsh glares and insults of sketchy looking groups that loitered by the entrances. The smell of cigar smoke intermingled with the stench of smog and trash to create a mind numbing scent that hovered around the building. To anyone else, this was a place that should've been shut down decades before. To Trein Fallfer, it was home. Or it [i]was[/i] Trein drummed her fingers on the rusted metal desk. Her brown eyes stared down at the floor to avoid the manager's harsh glare. "I've had enough of you, Ms. Fallfer," the manager barked, his watery eyes squinting in disapproval. "You've caused me nothing but trouble during your month long stay!" "I haven't done anything wrong!" Trein protested, looking up. Her small mouth was put into an almost childish pout. "Oh? You've managed to break a total of twenty-eight windows, break down your door, and paint a nude man posing inappropriately at the back of the hotel. And let me just note that those were what you did [i]last week,[/i]" the manager pointed out. Trein rolled her eyes, the corners of her mouth twitching upward as she remembered her little 'art project'. "I was just trying to liven up this dump." The manager shook his head. "No, Ms. Fallfer. You're lucky that I allowed you to stay this long. But enough is enough. Get out of my hotel!" "But-" "Good-bye, Ms. Fallfer. You should be thankful that I'm not charging you with property damage or calling MetPo!" Trein glared and clenched her fists tightly. Pure loathing blazed in her eyes. With an irritated huff, she stalked through the front doors and away from the hotel. She glared at the ground as she walked through alleyways and cursed at the manager under her breath. Once again, she had nowhere to go and no place to sleep. Oh what a wonderful life.