Here are a few of my ideas I am open to different ideas for these rps (the ones with plots) they are just ideas and willing to collaberate (Please PM if you are interested I tend to forget to look here once in a while) Also I do know english by my grammer is bad I may have passed all my english classes through college but I prove to still be bad aat it for those who right really well writen stuff and want to rp with people that write like a scholoar just to let you know. [hider=Abused] [img][/img] Emily is the daughter of a man who lost his job to an injury and only getting welfare checks. Her mother walked out on them to marry a younger, richer man to sustain her life style. But Emily's mother left her in the hands of her father who started to blame her for her mother walking out on them. He starts to drink heavily and abuses his daughter causing her to go to the hospital multiple times. But also causing her to isolate herself from the world thinking it was best to do so. No she has transferred into your school, can you help her escape her fate before something bad happens.[/hider] [hider=Fox Spirit] [img][/img] 500 years ago a kitsune girl caused havoc among the humans in a village, gaining the attention of a monk who trapped the kitsune girl into a shrine. But what the monk did not know was that the the female Kitsune was only playing with the humans after being alone for so many years and now she was trapped in a shine to be nothing but alone. Then 500 years passed and you are down on your luck (Family is bugging you to marry, risk of losing job or don't have one, family issues, etc.) You take a walk through the forest that holds a mysteriousness to it like someone is trying to guide your some where. Then you come upon the shrine where a sign stands saying. 'Leave an offering and the Fox Spirit will help'. Will you leave an offering and free the kitsune? Or will she remain trapped in the shrine forever.[/hider] [hider=Maid-Sama] [img][/img] You are a rich young man and you don't have time to clean your home or just fired your last help or you just inherited a huge fortune and a very dust mansion. Now you need to hire a maid/or someone hires one for you. You meet your new maid that will be living with you and helping with the cooking, cleaning, and maintaining the house the best to her abilities. But the reason she became a maid is because her parents had put her in a huge debt that she needs to pay back, so thanks to the help of some friends they got her a job at a maid agency and you are her first client she will be with. But as time goes on will she be able to pay the debt off along with keeping it a secret or will you find out? And if you do find out what will you do?[/hider] [hider=Arabian Dancer] [img][/img] You are either a Arabian prince or thief or whatever you want to be. You are in the palace in disguised or have been captured but the evil tyrant sultan and are in the grand hall where you meet a dancer that dances gracefully but you noticed she never smiles as she dance. Then you learn the truth that she is the sole survive from the slaughter of the kingdom of agrabah and was brought to the tyrants kingdom to become his bride which is not her wish. There is a way to save them and bring peace to all the kingdoms from all the evil tyrant. But the questions is will you take her with you? And if you do what trails lay ahead for the both of you on the long journey.[/hider] [hider=SevantXPrince] [img][/img] A servant girl that has been working for a king that has abused and mis treated her for even the smallest mistakes she makes. The king even tries to get his son to abuse her but he even abuses his own son for stupid reasons. But he is hiding a secret about the servant girl along with being at war with another kingdom. (Ok this is just a plot idea if you have another idea I am open minded)[/hider] [hider=AssasinXPrince] [img][/img] A story about an assasin girl raised to kill others for a price. SShe was soon approached by the princes uncle of the kingdom who wanted her to kill the prince of the kingdom so he could take over the throne. He paid her a very handsom prince but was not going to get it until the job was done. So the assasin girl ends getting into the palace by pretending to be one of the canidates to marry the prince when she was just ding it t get close to the prince. But after spening a lot of time with him sh soon starts to fall for him. WHat will happen to her will she tell him her feelings? Will she still kill him? or will the uncle intervien? [/hider] Other ideas that I have no plot ideas for so willing to collaborate Princess X Knight Vampire X Werewolf Neko Girl X Human Vampire X Human Mermaid X Human