Jarrod raised an eyebrow to se a familiar face make a return to the group. "Ananeas, buddy, what's going on? You didn't get smacked in the head by flying debris... did you?" Jarrod's jest was rudely interrupted by yet another howl coming from the dragon above. [b]"Tell me...why do you...resist...the truth!"[/b] Jarrod sighed as he waved away the beast's cold and inhuman words. "Yeah, yeah, we'll get to you soon big guy." Turning to hear Ananeas' plan, the swordsman placed a hand on his chin in thought. "Air gliders, huh? Well with my wind magic I really don't need it much but the same can't be said for you guys..." Another long pause then a shrug. "Alright I'm up for it. Who's gonna do the finishing blow here if the rest of us are bait?" [b]"Do not...deny the....truth!"[/b] Jarrod sighed in annoyance. "Someone hurry up already so we can shut it up."