[b]Rose frowned & turned red at the cheeks as Fenrir made a joke about her being a dream, surprisingly a bit let down when she realized he'd been teasing her all along. Oh well, that was what she got for hoping that her husband had a romantic side to him. She wouldn't fall for that again, he would see. "Try being a Casanova to a woman who isn't already married to you," Rose grumbled softly, straightening herself up with her face still red. Turning on her heel, Rose made her way back to the kitchen without another word to Fenrir, chastising herself quietly. She needed to remember not to be lured in by this man, not to let him pull wool over her eyes. He could be trying to let her guard down, only to hurt her later. After helping Willow set the table, Rose finished pulling something out of the oven, the old woman waiting in the dining room to room to greet Fenrir as he came in. "Did you sleep well?" the old woman asked him softly as he came into the dining room, gesturing to a chair for him.[/b]