I hate introduction posts, but since I've committed to a thread on the site I suppose one's in order. For the purposes of this website I'm psychopathickids, I've been text based roleplaying for nearly a decade at what, in so far as I've gathered over the past few days, seems to constitute an, "Advanced," level around these parts for four, I'm somewhere in my early twenties, drink pots of coffee at a time, often with a drop or two of something stronger thrown in for good measure, curse like a sailor, occasionally burst into song and dance for no particular reason, commonly <3 at total strangers for seemingly arbitrary reasons, write in run on sentences, and have an extensive collection of pictures of myself with Whedonverse celebs taken at various Comic Cons (primarily in Chicago) that I have hanging on my bedroom wall like a total creep, even take 'em down when I have normal company over. I'm as likely to be found listening to Beethoven as No Doubt, Karen Souza as Dir en Grey, Dead Kennedys as Pink Floyd, I could go on, I'm a classically trained violinist, a vegetarian, have practiced yoga for years, weigh less than I should, find both James Marsters and Charisma Carpenter to be drop dead gorgeous, will have a problem with you if you have a problem with that, and (obviously) go on crazy long rants, #noonecaresaboutanyofthisshitomgzies. So, want to find out more, get to know me. I don't roleplay vampires, werewolves, furries, angels or demons, but I'm happy to roleplay with people who do, and I'd be willing to jump into pretty much anything interesting if you ask me to. Otherwise, I'll be at the bar, err, spam threads. EDIT: This site is huge. Like, really huge. How many active members do you have?